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Users are asked for Activation

  • @mbfit


    Hello, when new users go through the sign up process they are prompted an email to activate their profile. However now in the email they click the link to activate which now leads to a page “Please provide a valid activation key.” Site was never set up with any activation key process. Any help?

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  • @vapvarun


    @mbfit are you using latest BuddyPress Version. Let me know your server environment to replicate the issue.



    I am experiencing the same issue. I have the latest version of BuddyPress.



    Experiencing the same issue as well.

    , possible to share the details of my site with you in private?



    Thanks for response I’m using Version 3.1.0



    Please read the second point in this thread:

    BuddyPress 3.1.0 is now available!



    Right now I have this:
    <form action=”” method=”post” class=”standard-form” id=”activation-form”>

    <label for=”key”><?php _e( ‘Activation Key:’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?></label>
    <input type=”text” name=”key” id=”key” value=”<?php echo esc_attr( bp_get_current_activation_key() ); ?>” />

    and that should be overwritten with:

    <form action=”” method=”get” class=”standard-form” id=”activation-form”>
    <form action=”” method=”post” class=”standard-form” id=”activation-form”>
    <label for=”key”><?php _e( ‘Activation Key:’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?></label>
    <input type=”text” name=”key” id=”key” value=”” />
    <input type=”text” name=”key” id=”key” value=”<?php echo esc_attr( bp_get_current_activation_key() ); ?>” />

    This is in my buddypress/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/activate.php
    I’ll assume we should put this in the child theme?



    The above did not work



    Is there a way to roll back to previous version until I can afford a developer to fix this issue?



    About the code that is linked:

    If your theme contains either a /buddypress/members/activate.php or /registration/activate.php file, you replace red lines with green lines. If your theme does not have any of these files, then you don’t need to make any changes.

    If you are still running into trouble, change your theme temporarily to see if your theme is the issue.


    If you want to roll back to an older version, you can do so on the following page:

    Under “Previous Versions”, select 2.9.4 and replace the copy on your server with that one.



    Ah yes I made an error with the above post. I had substituted the red lines with the green lines of code in the members/activate.php



    What does that do btw? I’m assuming that it does not remove the activate key process? This is what I was actually looking for.
    Meaning I didn’t want an activation page and preferred the process of receiving an email to confirm profile and clicking confirmation just goes to the site and users page like before



    In v3.0.0, we changed the activation procedure because security clients can scan and follow links in emails, causing the user’s account to be activated unintentionally. To address this issue, account activation now requires the user to do a form submission.

    We’re looking to improve the activation email content to make this clear in v3.2.0.

    If you want to avoid the activation process entirely, there used to be an auto-activation plugin, but it might be outdated. Haven’t tested it in awhile.



    Well I can agree with that for security purposes then I’m ok but I’m not getting an activation key. Can that be fixed, something I’m missing?



    What I’m asking is, is a user suppose to get a separate email with the activation code that they copy paste into? What is this version update info/procedure? Just would like all info on this as it seems pretty clear I will have to hire someone to fix it.



    What I’m asking is, is a user suppose to get a separate email with the activation code that they copy paste into?

    When a user completes registration, the user should get an activation email which looks like this:

    Thanks for registering!
    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link:

    XXX is the activation key. When the user clicks on this link, the activation page should show a form with the activation key already populated. The user has to submit the form to activate their account.

    For those with custom themes, that activation key might not be automatically populated into the form. This has caused a few support forum threads like this one to pop up.

    The fix for custom themes is noted here:

    BuddyPress 3.1.0 is now available!

    If you are not using a custom BuddyPress theme, then you can also try changing your theme to a WordPress default one to see if your problem still exists.



    Can a mod edit or delete the post that has my site name? This thread comes up on a google search and I was not able to edit the post. It is the 5th post down.



    We also have this problem with Version 3.2.0 on Just as described by the OP: emails contain a link that contains the activation code, but leads to a page whith an empty activation code form field, which requires manual copy and pasting of the code inside. Many of our users have reported this as a bug and requested help.



    Doesnt work

    all the big people keep posting this link, it doenst work, everything is in order but it wont just work. Why not include the activation code to their email so that they can copy it. I activated someones email by copying it from the address bar, now i have a bunch of users piled up that cant activate i know its because they are not seeing it in the box and dont know that they can activate it via copying from browser address.



    The way the activation link and the way input is filled changed in 3.0.

    If you are using a custom theme or have a copy of activate.php in yourtheme/buddypress/members/, you will need to update it.

    Please open the file yourtheme/buddypress/members/activate.php in an editor and look for a line like this

    <input type="text" name="key" id="key" value="" />

    Change it to

    <input type="text" name="key" id="key" value="<?php echo esc_attr( bp_get_current_activation_key() ); ?>" />

    That will auto fill the input key.

    Hope it helps.




    @sbrajesh i am using the default theme twenty-seventeen. I cant find a buddypress folder on it. what do you suggest i do? what free theme do you recommend i use at this time?



    Thank you for the details. No need to change the theme.

    Can you please visit the Dashboard->Settings->BuddyPress and tell me which template pack is active? I will need one more detail after that to assist you.




    BuddyPress Legacy is the pack that is activated



    should i give you the site link to check it out?



    Thank you for the details. No need for the site link.

    Can you please post the code from your wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/activate.php and post the code on pastebin.php and link me.




    link to the code for the above-mentioned directory.

    Paste Bin

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