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Users can’t reply to forum

  • @sasenzon


    bbpress – 2.5 14-6684
    wp 4.9.4

    The site is

    When some users try to post on a forum it either resets to the main forum page without posting or does so and leaves an error message: no activity found please try another filter
    It doesn’t seem to happen all the time. Can you help? THanks.

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  • @dcavins


    You might try the bbPress support forum for more specific help.



    Someone at bbpress told me to come here. I wish I could figure out the answer.

    My intent was to have it only available to users in this class.
    I set it up as hidden in the manage settings on the front end.
    On the dashboard however, it is set to open public.
    Also – it is in a group that I set up as hidden.
    However, the dashboard it shows that it is in a public group.

    Perhaps there is a conflict here?
    I am self-taught at buddypress. Would love to learn how to be an expert.



    I have tried to deactivate all plugins and the theme. Nothing helps.

    When I am logged in as myself and I reply on a forum, I move the cursor into the textbox and click, that sort of resets the page and I get a new url with #post-number. Then I can type in the box and it works every time.

    When I login as the user (and there are a few of them having this issue), when I click the cursor into the box nothing happens. no page load, no #post-number appears. Then when I hit submit the page just goes back to the main forum page.

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