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Visibility settings of field “Name (required)” have no effect?

  • beo9999


    We are using WordPress 4.9.1 with BuddyPress 2.9.2, for testing purposes I used theme Twenty Fourteen (which showed the same behavior as the Boss child-theme used on our site ).

    On the default registration page a new user can choose between “Everyone”, “Only Me” and “All Members” for the visibility of the (required) name under “Profile Details”. But no matter which of these three options you select – on your public profile page the name is always displayed, even to viewers who are not logged in (“everyone” for that matter).

    Since we encourage the users of our site to use their real names in their profile the above behavior caused some questions, because some ot them didn’t want to show their names on their profile pages.

    So my question: If BuddyPress requires the username to be present on the profile pages: Why do you have the choice of “Who can see this field?” on the registration page?
    Or am I missing something?

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