I seriously believe ,these pieces of software should never merge.
Personally,I prefer external forums much more than the internal integration.Again, for people who are looking for easy install(the internal integration is well done by Andy, Kudos to him) internal integration is good, but in most of the circumstances we are going to need an external forum, as it is much more clean and easy to use rather than the group associated forum.
I believe, the integration of bbpress with buddypress will get better in future, as buddypress grows. But considering current situations, It is not a good idea to merge both the pieces of software.
no offenses, my personal thoughts only
There should be a option at the admin site, to select standard forum view,or buddypress groups view.
For many people I think the bbpress integration into wordpress (make bbpress look the same as wp) is just to heave. So they jump to some other forum software.
In the and most of them are missing forum community features.
In the moment you have to rewrite bbpress plugins to use them in the puddypress bbpress installation. Or have two install with two admin sites.
Agree with you on the option.
Rather than using “forums” slug for group forums directory, I will rather use it for external forums. Instead, I will consider using group-forums slug for that.
Again, why use two copies of bbpress if you want external forums, why not use a single copy but with the tighter integration.
Well, why I said It should not be Integrated.
Currently,Is there anyway for the site admin to manage all the forums on a buddypress at one place.No.
Can You manage all the topics from one place, no , you have to visit individual groups to manage it.
bbpress has been in existence ,before even the conception of buddypress,so how about the people who are already using it as a standalone software,or on their wordpress/wpmu site.We may not force them to install buddypress for using/keep using forum.
I hope ,There are other various reasons why It should not be merged.
But again,I too wish ,there should be more better integration.
Already working on two plugin which will enable buddypress/wpmu to take data from the bbpress table’s and vice versa.
I personally like the idea that all automattic software can be used as one (like modules), but at the same time, if you just need bbpress, that you can use it without wordpress.
my opinion?… offer both solutions as plugins…
bbPress can be integrated to WPMU, we already have examples of that… why not offer a complete solution for the integration instead of two HowTo and a plugin…
and the BP forum version is quite different from bbPress, i don’t know why it is still named bbPress… why not having it as a plugin as well?
so when we decide to offer forums for groups we use one version, and if we want a global forum, we use bbPress, and if we want both, we use both…
because right now we can not use both versions at the same time… i would.
Does anyone know if bbpress ever got to the point where we could give each blog their own bbpress like we do with groups?
I’ve asked on their forums, done the google thing, but never could get an answer.
@ Anointed: That has more to do with buddypress than bbpress, and why would you want a bbpress install for every group? That would only cludder the database even more.
giving a user his own blog – why not also give a user his own forum ?
Great idea……
“why not also give a user his own forum” – let’s imagine how many tables are going to be created in DB per blog and per forum
but then, there’s the multi-DB plugin.
btw, speaking of bbpress, Matt is calling for more people to help out