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Weird error on registration page (Only when logged in)

  • @lriggle


    Hi Everyone!

    Let me first say, that if I’m not logged in, /register behaves normally and doesn’t give me any grief whatsoever. I have registration / blog creation enabled in the dashboard, and people can register to BuddyPress just fine. It’s all hunky dory! Here’s a picture of my site admin screen for further proof:

    This error occurs when I’m logged into an account. If I go to the /register page when I’m logged in as administator, I see the following on my screen:

    See? Weird! As a secondary test, I even logged out, went to the /register page, signed up for a new account (but not a blog), activated my account, and logged into the new account. This is where the even weirder stuff happens. If I try and go to the URL that would be created with my new username, here’s what I see:

    At that point, it’s not even trying to use the BuddyPress registration files, but it’s going back to wp-signup.php!

    What the heck!

    How do I get around this? Because, frankly, it’s really really annoying.

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Is it possible that your host automatically re-routes subdomains for you, rather than allowing them via a wildcard? Or that your .htaccess file is bouncing things back?

    I’ve seen some installations where if the server wasn’t configured for subdomains, that the subdomain was put through the URL as a _GET or _POST variable.

    When you create a new user/blog, does the blog actually get created? If so, can you navigate to ANY blogs or do all of them bounce back like that?




    Can you list the plugins you are using ? may be we can better understand then..




    I don’t believe we have any issues with sub domains in that respect. We’ve had users sign up to the site and create blogs at the same time, and the blogs and their sub-domains seem to be created and work just fine. We’ve also manually created blogs (not via buddypress but in WPMU) and those also work just fine.

    @Brajesh Singh

    Here are the plugins we have activated:

    – WordPress Video Plugin

    – Buddypress

    – BPDEV Core

    — BPDEV Flickr

    — BPDEV YouTube

    – Featured Member Widget

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