Tadziz, In your Buddypress-folder you should find a folder called bp-languages. There you’ll find BP’s languagefile. Remeber that your Buddypress-installation will use the same language as your installation of Wpmu does.
Just a tip,: You can find more information about translating buddypress if you search the forums.
see this page: https://codex.buddypress.org/translations/ contains usefull information.
when i edit language file it dont recognize some my language simbols, for example
when i write Ä… it write à ? i set encoding to utf8 but nothing change. still dont recognnize my lang simbols Ä… Ä Ä™ Ä— į Å¡ ų Å« ž <- all these simbols not compatable 
what should i do to solve that problem ?
try html code for example in my lang (italian) è is è and works ok I think is the same for yours.
in bp-languages dir are file named buddypress.pot is it everything ok with it ? becouse it show me that it is microsoft power point template ? i feel that i dont understand something about it
use poedit to translate, you have a reply in PM