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what is "Pending" mean?

  • jessiewordpress


    I had two users in the backend sitting under “users > manage signups” and I didn’t even know they were there. I didn’t receive a notification.

    Were they “pending” because they didn’t click the activation email link?

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  • @mercime


    @jessiewordpress in a way yes. Either because the activation email got caught in their spam folder, or they have not clicked on the activation link, or they did click on the activation link but did not log in yet.



    I would assume they are listed as pending because they did not get click an activation in email yes.

    Now does that mean that your server sent an email correctly and they actually recieved the email? Who knows.. sometimes my bp emails get auto-blackholed for some email services and users will never get an email from my bp site if they have say “gmail” or yahoo or something… (there are different methods for sending email via wordpress, some are less “flagged-as-spam-automatically” than others.. sometimes users do get the emails but they end up in a junk folder..

    sometimes it’s spammers trying to setup a fake account and they never will click on activate…

    if you start to get a lot of these, you might want to look into how your wp install is sending emails, what the headers look like, and see if you can adjust with something like a “wp mail via smtp” plugin or something.. and if you need to manage a bunch of pending users you might want to see if is working with current bp version..

    random thoughts, hope they help.



    Thank you. Yes, they have yet to log in. Now I know!

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