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What is the recommended responsive theme for BuddyPress 2.2?

  • @disha76


    What is the recommended responsive theme for BuddyPress 2.2?
    None of the available themes looks appropriate while p2 theme seems fabulous as it can post blogs and media from the status message box or page-top textarea input. Has anyone tried this?

    On quick testing I find that when we post a gallery of images, the image thumbnails are not shown in buddypress activity stream, as well as the text size gets small.

    The other problem remains you cannot “Like” anything from the river to the actual content or from actual content to the river.

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  • @henrywright


    Hi @disha76

    P2 is made by Automattic so you can be sure the theme is of the highest quality. Whilst I haven’t tried it myself, I’ve heard it offers some great features such as inline comments and real-time updates. If you notice a problem with it, then try opening a support ticket on their support forum.

    Hope this helps 😀




    Please test it with BP 2.2 – it takes one second!
    The problem is with Buddypress – it does not pickup gallery thumbnails in activity stream or comments made on images in the activity stream. Its not their problem – they say. So I was wondering if anyone has used it and found alternative ways or has already made a default theme for BP out of it.



    On second thoughts, it seems impossible unless years and years pass by. It seems P2, Jetpack, BP etc, though under the umbrella of WP, does not care about one another or any integration. They have their own development paths and own egos and issues. It seems like Microsoft of the 2000s

    P2 already has a status box or text area input box that can be used to post status, blog ( great!!) as well as media that picks up media from the core media library – but BP seems to have never integrated this. Jetpack has nice “Like” feature – but they said it cannot be integrated with BP. I wrote to Matt but he never responded. Sigh!



    If P2 fits your needs, there is a P2-Likes plugin.

    P2 is not a standard theme. There is a lot of custom stuff going on there, so unlike most themes, you will have trouble making BP and P2 play nice.

    If you need Likes on BP, this looks to be an option:





    @mrjarbenne After testing I find both are buggy and do not work the way “Like” works in any social net.



    @djpaul had a Like component in his BP Labs plugin that you might want to look at:

    Between that and the BuddyPress Likes plugin that allows likes for other components, maybe you could develop something to help the broader community, or at least to fit your site’s needs.

    One of the benefits of open source is the availability of code you can iterate upon to create something that fits your needs so you don’t have to continually start from scratch when developing a site. Note that many plugins are not built to appease the masses, as much as they are custom built for specific sites and specific purposes. The developers are then gracious enough to share that creation to the community, but I don’t believe that means they need to ensure that their plugin is a swiss army knife, when they had created it to merely open cans. You can’t always expect to find something that perfectly fits your needs (although it’s great when it happens, and it happens often).

    There seems to be enough blocks out there for you to build/commision to have built, something that does what you need.


    Participant says :
    This plugin hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
    It is also buggy and does not work. Compatible up to: WordPress 3.5, BuddyPress 1.7

    What you say is true but certain essential features need to be there. Again there can be debate what is essential to me is not essential to you. But “Likes” ( or any other name for it) is a core feature of Elgg, Drupal, Phpfox, Oxwall – name any paid or FREE scripts. It is sad that the “Likes” code of wordpress com has not been passed to wordpress org and more sad that it has not thus been incorporated into buddypress. Apparently there are lots of efforts at re-inventing wheels.

    Please also understand that majority of users who are using BP
    – are small to medium users, many are hobby users
    – they cannot code a plugin but looks for readymade solution
    – they have to customize their site which takes time and effort, get content and users

    Just as developers are gracious and we are grateful to them, so are the users – if users never adopted and tested freely BP so much where it would have been?
    I think we badly need a StackExchange type Q and A forum here that comes up with actual code or solutions, which can be rated and used instantly.

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