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What Plug-ins will fulfill these Tasks?

  • Toni Hoffmann


    Hi there,

    I have a hard time figuring out which plug-in does what and which I can use for my needs…

    I have installed Buddypress and made a WordPress Theme working with a Plug-in that automatically converts the WP theme in a BP supported theme…

    Now my first question, I am scared of breaking something, I ran into an error that took me a few hours to fix the other day… Will WordPress Plug-ins work with this certain set-up or only BP Plug-ins??

    And here is what I’d like to have running on my site but I don’t know which Plug-in will be the right start.

    1. A hospitality exchange Platform where members offer a bed in return for being able to crash on someone else couch for free

    2. A Job Posting Board

    3. A Product Review Section

    4. A possibility to submit cycling routes using Google Maps

    5. A Meeting and Event Section

    6. Member of the Month Contest (Poll Form)

    7. A Donation tab

    8. Each Member should have his own Blog within my site with an URL that is easy to remember e.g.

    Thanks so much for looking and thanks for your help in advance


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  • Hugo Ashmore


    Hi Toni,
    Firstly ought to say that your list above really reads like the outline of a project scope and that worries me slightly in that I feel there may be a little misconception of what you may be able to achieve simply by dropping in plugins to your site, plugins aside to get a site operating on such specific lines as you outline may require a degree of specific customization and that may entail coding skills in advance of your present level.

    As for plugins available there may be a few worth looking into – also do check the plugins group listings as all BP plugins are listed there.

    Item #5 you might achieve using :


    #6 you might be able to fashion something from either:

    For things like donation tabs you might need to look through the WP plugin repository.

    User blogs are available when you set up your WP install as Multi Site, you will need to vist the WP codex documentation for a guide to enabling multi site.

    The other requirements do not really fall under the guise of a single specific plugin and will take some constructive thought as to how to implement, other members may have an idea or two.

    Toni Hoffmann


    Thanks A Lot :)

    This already helps me quite a bit, I was just looking for a good base and move forward from there, I understand that there won’t be plug-ins that exactly meet my ideas but I have to start somewhere..

    So do you think that I will have no issues if I use common WP Plug-Ins as well?

    More thoughts are very much appreciated.


    Hugo Ashmore


    BP is built on WP so many/most/all WP plugins will function just not necessarily as BP aware ones.

    Pagan Gwynne


    1. Could you set this as a profile field ? For ex. A dropdown list added to the registration page where they state yes or no to a question on hospitality. If they answer yes they can be autojoined to the ‘yes’ group so everyone will know where to look for them.

    2. If you are running a WP multisite you could set up a blog called ‘work listings’ or something like that, allow everyone ‘author’ capabilities set up one page as a standardized form and another to show the results of the posted form set the excerpts to show 0 -zero- characters and you’ll have a multipost page with a listing of jobs. – There are a number of plugins that will autojoin users to specific blogs on a multisite –

    3. Same thoughts as with 2.

    5. If you do a search for plugins there are a few that offer events calendars. Right now I’m using ‘My Calendar’ which offers an easily customizable interface so that you can make it look like your main site.

    7. A simple page with a ‘donate’ button linked to paypal or whoever

    8. WP multisite does this. If you set it so that users can create a blog on registration they can name the blog anything they like, I don’t know if you can automate the process so that the blog-name field is pulled from their username, or you can have a strict naming policy, add some text to the reg form stating that only the username is acceptable for blog names and set the joining process under moderation so that you have to approve each that way each blog will be called for subdomain installs or for sub directory install.

    4 & 6 I have no idea.

    As for the plugins most come with the ability to activate either for one blog or for network activation, using the plugin ‘exclude plugins’ you can hide the plugins from your users blogs or allow certain plugins but disallow others. For ex, I have a user that wanted the plugin ‘ephemeris’ on their blog, I installed it, allowed it for that site and they are now happily ephemerising awaywhilst other users aren’t even aware that the plugin exists (they don’t see it on their blogs)

    The plugins that I’m using I pulled straight from the WP plugin pages and so far they have all worked on my WPBP site without hiccup,


    Toni Hoffmann


    Wow Pagan,

    great effort…

    Thanks so much for taking the time to help me, really appreciated…

    I shall work thru your suggestions tomorrow first thing in the morning.

    Toni :)

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