Note: Forgot to mention that the news or blog site will be either
Topic based
( Healthcare, Discrimination, Environment, etc) OR
Location based
(Cleveland, London, India, etc).
Any help choosing theme, please?
Thank you very much.
@rickkumar Sorry, haven’t seen a theme with the all-in-one features you need. If you’re going to hire a developer, I suggest that they create the pinterest, instagram and twitter features as separate plugins which are BP-compatible. That way, you can change themes and keep the plugin features.
Thank you very much for your response.
I have found few as follows:
20+ Best Pinterest-Like WordPress Themes
This one is also multi-site enabled:
Also like this one:
Note: I am researching more because I want these to be used for news posting and sharing by users. So really need to make sure that users are able to easily do it.
I’d double check to see if they are compatable w bp. I used one and it had issues w follow feature.
Yes, I am still looking….haven’t found the one really screams “crowd sourcing”.
I came across some themeforest themes but their pricing/license is very difficult to understand.
I just want a theme that enables visitors/users contributing news/opinion/media/content etc.
I am really excited about the new version of BP coming soon.
Perhaps, I should just go with a simple theme recommended here….never thought selecting theme will be that difficult:)