Use the unified search here on, and you’ll find some good discussions, including this one which sends you to BuddyDev. With a bit of elbow grease and tweaking, you should be good to go. (Whether it’s the “best” way is up for discussion, of course.)
Wow, this is REALLY a huge GAP in Buddypress for me and I think MANY others. WordPress search is bad enough in and of itself….not having a federated search across WP and BP is well….poor. Hopefully this will be fixed nicely soon. The BuddyDev approach is messy…its a good stopgap but it is done all outside of the rest of the search world…so none of the search enhancement plugins etc will work with it. We really need a STRONG integrated search engine in WP and BP…. I HOPE there is one in the works out there with Highlighting, full text search ….well…LUCENE or SOLR like but not having to have that server loaded. If some of the SOLR hosting sites built this they could get my business 
Chill out!
Check this out:
I have this in my site, and it’s a great approach, if you follow the directions.
Search on BP is a long way off during the current release. I have an integrated search page, but it won’t search content inside of forum posts, just titles.
From what I’ve seen SOLR is very powerful and integrated with WP makes WP search faceted and extremely useful, I’d love to get it set up on my BP site, but it’s a little over my head and would probably require some extension to this plugin
Recently I’ve added google custom search to my BP site, but as it’s indexing from the front end there are a lot of “pages” to crawl and it doesn’t seem to index them that well, I’ve also recently found the the member search isn’t finding people that I know are there.
Although I did hear rumblings that BP 3 will start to address search – we shall see, it’s a really tough one to crack
Hi guys,
just want report that there finally seems to be a solution.
The plugin is called ‘Ajax Search Pro for WordPress’ & you can find it here:
Hope this helps.