Right now the basics on the front screen are done and it is live at: http//testbp.org
If you get hold of the trunk, it was checked in last night.
I need to use the __() function on the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields so they can be translated – after which you should be able to translate them the same way you translate WordPress. For now, you can simply edit the names in the database – in the “wp_bp_xprofile_fields” table.
Thanks! I edit this fields in database.
I’m impatience for new theme
Mr. Andy if the new theme will hold up, I want to ask you for code of Members and Groups who is show in first page of http://testbp.org/ because I need only them for the project who I want to start.
I have and another question (or suggestion). Is there possibility tho show all Members and Groups with 1-2-3… pages.
Thanks very much and I admire from your job.
Exuse my bad english
I’m working on this right now. It’ll arrive as soon as it’s ready and useable. 
You can actually use any of the content that you see on the home theme in any WordPress theme. Everything on the home screen is a widget, and you can drop the functionality into any existing widget-enabled theme.
You will need to add some basic styles to the CSS file, but the IDs and classes are very generic.
Can you tell me from where I can get this widgets who is in home screen of the Mockup theme?