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Where is the BP Plugin repository?

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  • @venutius


    It’s here, see the bottom of the page:




    That didn’t exactly work, select Advanced View and see the bottom of the page to download older versions



    tuyet voi qua



    I am trying to create forums for groups in buddypress using bbpress.

    I am really struggling to understand how they integrate. I have read lots of documentation and been through numerous support.

    My users can create a group and a a forum for that group.
    That forum then goes onto the forum page under a parent forum of group forums.

    Bit on the group’s page I can’t get the forums to show which is frustrating as when the user completes the group the forum isn’t viaible.

    Can someone talk me through the set up or point me in the way of comprehensive instructions?




    The Groups page does not include any forums, just the group avatar, name and description. You can choose whether to include the groups forums in the forums page, and other options by following these instructions:

    Installing Group and Sitewide Forums



    Thanks for this.

    This is my issue though. The user creates a group with a forum and when completing the the group is taken to the group page where there is no forum which is confusing members. Is there a way of clicking the group and it taking you to the forum and vice versa?

    At the moment it would seem people are.looking on there groups page them going to the forum page to read about their groups. Seems a bit counter intuitive to separate the two unless I am doing this wrong?




    Ah you mean there’s not a forum menu item within the group itself?



    That’s correct. Only on the forum page



    That’s probably one for the bbPress forums then – within each group with a forum there should be a forum menu item that links to the group forum. I’d first check there are no plugin conflicts by deactivating all other plugins except for BuddyPress and bbPress, if you still don’t get the menu item within the group then try a default theme such as 2016. BuddyPress forums are provided by bbPress, so that’s the best place to go for support.

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