@alexcurrie123 You’ll find the template at bp-default or your theme’s /members/single/activity/permalink.php
@mercime – Erm. Newbie question here. This is under plugins >> buddypress, right? Cause I don’t see a members/single/activity/permalink.php.
Also, is your name based off of the band Mercy Me?
“You’ll find the template at bp-default” check
could be in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/members/single/activity
or in your themes members folder as per mercime
Okay, thanks. I am not using the buddypress theme – so would this still apply to that? Here’s the code in there now:
I added the “width:’30px'” inside
and it’s probably wrong because nothing happened. What would be the correct way to limit the width?
@alexcurrie123 Yes, that’s the code of permalink.php. I believe that you only needed to create two files to fix alignment of the BP template files based on the HTML structure of your theme.
In this case, to make it easy for you, open up that permalink page and make the following revisions:
A. Beneath “ and before `
`, add this:
B. In the line just above “ add this:
Save file.
P.S. My username is not based on the Mercy Me band
@mercime thank you so much! Unfortunately… it’s still not working. The current code:
Something wrong?
@alexcurrie123 I was going to check out that link posted in first post and I got a big Warning using Chrome that your site contains malware. Your site was clean the first time I checked it out. Please address this issue first.
Yeah, sorry – I was hacked on ALL of my sites. I’m currently working with a web smart friend to figure out where the hacked code is located. I’ll let you know when it’s clean again 
@mercime it should be clean now.