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White screen after inserting image

  • As soon as I activate the BuddyPress plugin I cant add images to the posts.

    It seems the problem is with the lightbox boxes, because I cant close them also, for example if I search for a plugin and get the info, I cant close that box.

    When I upload an image and hit insert, I get a white screen and I cant close that box.

    If I open the library to see images, I get the list, but the show and hide does not work.

    If I disable it, everything works fine.

    How can I fix this ?


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  • It’s probably a memory error. Look in your web server’s error log (or ask your host) and look for messages that say things like “out of memory”. If so, read

    If it’s a different message, it should give you some clues, or copy/paste it here for further help.

    Hi Paul, I tried increasing it in wp config and its the same.

    The thing here is that a clean install works and that old one does not. So there is something that is causing that, what else can that be ?


    Roger Coathup


    You may have some plugin installed that is causing a conflict.

    As always, to narrow that down:

    1. switch to bp-default
    2. deactivate all your plugins, except BP

    Does it work now?

    Then reactivate the plugins one by one, testing after each to narrow down any conflict.

    [Edit: are you sure you are able to increase your memory limit via wp-config? We’d always do this via php.ini. You may need to speak to your hosting company to get it increased from your site]

    That’s exactly what I did to catch the problem.

    I deactivated everything and it works fine, I just activate BuddyPress plugin and then the white box problem.

    So its the plugin, because its the only thing active.

    Any ideas ?

    Roger Coathup


    Did you check your web server error log as Paul suggested?

    I don’t have access to them, I am waiting for the hosting service to wake up…

    The problem is in the plugin for sure, and that’s what I want to fix in the meantime, maybe someone knows why all lightboxes are not working and with a white screen as a result.


    Nothing in the logs. What else can be causing this problem ?

    Anyone ?

    I am still looking into this, anyone that can help ?

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