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Why can’t I just copy&past change-avatar.php to a custom template page

  • @threwthenevr


    Really this makes no sense to me.

    I created a custom template for a page im working on and copied over the change.avatars.php to the custom page..
    Should work in theory, at least I thought.But the upload or crop didnt work.
    The dotted box wasn’t even there.

    So I ended up creating a index-action-change-avatar.php file and placed it in the BuddyPress/members/single directory and copied the change.avatars.php code over.
    And also added general-after-wrap and general-before-wrap to the file.

    Then back to my custom.php template file I added
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=<?php echo bp_loggedin_user_domain();?>profile/change-avatar/" />

    So now my custom page template looks like this before it gets redirected.

    Then after the redirect the page looks like this.

    I wanted my custom page to look like the 2nd pic.
    Now if I remove the index-action-change-avatar.php file it would just redirect me to the normal user profile page to upload the Avatar.
    But I didn’t want that for this custom page I am doing.

    So now that I added the index-action-change-avatar.php file it will just override the default change-avatar.php as its expected to do but unfortunately that means when a user clicks on his profile settings and selects upload avatar it would direct them to the index-action-change-avatar.php file that has some changed settings I’ve added.

    This is what I was trying to do.
    Step 1-user registers on homepage.
    Step 2-user is redirected to the check email for activation page.
    Step 3-user clicks activation link within their email.
    Step 4-user is redirected to my custom page notifying account is activated.

    Now on step 4 I was going to add the option to upload their avatar or just continue.

    Now what I could do is just add a href link that would redirect them to their profile to upload but it would defeat the purpose of what I was aiming for.

    Another option i might just do is after activation have them auto logged in and redirected to the activity page then from there I’ll add a tour of the website.

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