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Why won’t Buddypress search posts?

  • In the header search area, I only have options to search members, groups, etc. I actually need the opposite; I only want to search *posts* on the main blog and return those results, with no options to search anything else. How can I do this?

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  • Zen Gonzaga


    have you figured this out? try this and tell me if it works..

    <form method="get" id="searchform" action="/”>
    <input type="text" value="” name=”s” id=”s” />
    <input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="” />


    I think these have a filter. Are we talking about the search box at the top of the templates, in the blue header area?

    Yes, Paul, that’s the one.

    I was able to get what I needed by copying a search form from wordpress (it only searches posts and pages), and then activating a plugin which prevents pages from being searched so that only the posts are searched.

    Zen, I will also try your form and see which result works better for me. Thanks for that.

    Firat dede


    Hi Mr. Zen,

    Where will we add this php scripts? Thanks.

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