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Widget to display community stats ?

  • @medianp


    Hi !

    I’m looking for a widget or code which can do the same thing as the Buddypress community stats plugin, displaying stats like in this right sidebar :
    The problem is that I’m running Buddypress on a multisite and this one is not working.

    Thank you !

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  • @danbp


    Hi @medianp,

    just tested the plugin on a local network install and it works.

    There is just a little count error (missing arg 2) in one of the file.
    To solve this, add $count at the end of line 107 in bp-community-stats.php
    $count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT count( FROM {$bp->activity->table_name} a WHERE type = 'activity_update' AND a.component = '{$bp->activity->id}'", $count ) );

    Plugin author warned: Total Posts and Comments not support in multisite/network mode

    Search the WP plugin repo to get the missing stats.



    Hi ! Thank you for your help. I did like you said but It’s not working.

    Some issues which can be responsible :
    – I’ve installed the plug-in for the network. Because If I deactivate it, it doesn’t show on the plug-ins list of my site.
    – When activated, there’s an item in the admin menu of my site, with the page to check or not the members, group counts etc.
    If I click “Save”, it says I don’t have the rights to do so. So I changed the page code to check all the checkbox by default. But it’s not working either.

    If you got any other ideas to fix this, thank you very much.

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