This is just a bump. Even if there’s no quick fix for this, has anyone else has this issue?
The form to post to a group’s wire displays, weather or not the user is allowed to post to that group’s wire. This doesn’t seem right, but I haven’t changed the code… what’s a designer to do?
This might be a bug; but are you trying this with your Administrator user account?
As a regular user on (a group my regular user account isn’t a member of), I don’t have anyway of posting to the wire.
I’ve got the same problem.
I just recieved a notification of a reply from a ‘non-group-member’. The reply is in the notification mail, but not on the wire.
That’s really confusing for users !
Wire doesn’t exist in BP 1.2, unless you’re using the backwards compatible plugin or a third-party wire plugin.
Are you talking about the activity stream?
I’m sorry I’m talking about the activity stream!
15 years, 5 months ago
I’ve noticed that on my groups page, for every group, even ones I’m not a member of, my site displays a comment form, so I can leave a comment on that group’s wire.
If I’m not a member of that group, and I write a comment and hit ‘submit’, no wire comment is posted, but no error message is given… the page just refreshes. While this isn’t really harmful, it’s confusing.
Why does the form display for non group members, when it doesn’t allow them to post? I’ve only noticed this on the group wires. & how can I restrict the form to only display to group members?