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Wire message could not be posted. Please try again.

  • david-titus


    Hi all,

    I installed BuddyPress on two entirely different servers today, one for testing and one for a project I’m working on. Everything seems to work fine except the wire aspect. In both instances when I try to post something to the wire I get “Wire message could not be posted. Please try again.”

    Any idea what’s causing that? I suspect it might be something simple since it happens on both installs.



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  • david-titus


    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Burt Adsit


    Evidently not. Why don’t you post the specifics of your install. Is this wire in profile or groups?

    I would also check to make sure that you didn’t get any SQL errors by checking your apache log. If you have access to the DB, find out if the bp_wire_ tables were created and if they have any information in them.


    hi all,

    i got the same error with fresh installation of wire. in code its documented that // No DB tables need to be installed, DB tables for each component wire

    // are set up within that component *if* this component is installed.

    am getting the same error “Wire message could not be posted. Please try again.”

    do not know what went wrong ..i could not find any bp_wire_tables in the DB.



    . I debug the code and found that the code is trying to put data into table named “wp_bp_xprofile_wire”.The function xprofile_action_new_wire_post() gets called for posting wire and its defined in bp-xprofile.php. The function is expecting wire id on successful insertion and throws error on no wire id. Since it could not find this table, it is showing error.

    The table creation code is in bp-xprofile.php and the constraint for creating this table is

    if ( function_exists(‘bp_wire_install’) ){

    Table creation code


    I ran the table creation code on DB and created the table. After wp_bp_xprofile_wire table creation, I posted one wire on machine and its working fine.



    How did you do this? What particular code did you insert into your database? Could I have the full instructions please?



    Anybody else?

    Burt Adsit


    @poetrysocial you are having some problems installing the wire component?

    John James Jacoby


    When I try to post a wire, I get a screen that says…

    Are you sure you want to do this?

    Please try again.

    I’m not saying it isn’t something I did, but that’s what I get. :)

    Read this thread, second post, you need to fix the part related to ‘nonce_field’

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