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[Resolved] WooTheme Resort Child BuddyPress compatibility

  • @zanora


    Hi guys

    I am using BP 1.8 no template pack installation earlier , everything fresh on a fresh website. I am using BP’s member directory, forum, site tracking, user groups activity. The problem is, the layout of pages coming under BP isn’t like rest of the website. Am attaching screenshots to give a better view

    Thats how it is right now
    Thats how it should look like
    (observe their are no white boxes in buddyPress page)

    I have been through the template hierarchy & BuddyPress’s 1.7 theme compatibility and other related topics in this forum. (done homework but dont want to play with stuff)
    What I understood from those is that I have to copy page.php code to newly created buddypress.php and paste it into wp_content/themes/resort_child/ ? (There is no page.php in my child theme)

    After I make buddypress.php and paste it into directory above mentioned, all BP pages would look like rest of the website? If not then

    I ll appreciate your guidance and time

    here’s page.php code

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  • @hnla


    No copying page.php to a new file named buddypress.php is only when you need to change how bp call say sidebars or if the original file is not suitable for displaying BP content. Normally you should have to do nothing BP simply injects it’s screens/content into the area where page.php would render page content and by the look of that page.php file the right structure is present for BP to be able to work.

    You have some other problem going on but screen shots aren’t going to help diagnose what that is, looks as though you aren’t picking up BP basic styles though and also possibly some mal-formed markup causing layout to break.

    Have you asked about this with the theme authors?



    Thanks for your time Hugo

    Na I haven’t asked the authors. Woothemes are so common I thought things compatibility should’nt be a problem.
    Frankly speaking, I have no idea about bp basic style, mal-formed markup stuff

    Is there any other troubleshooting for this?



    I would try the woothemes community support, it’s a premium theme so they ought to be able to help.



    Thanks for your time




    HI guys
    Am back again 😀

    I have fixed almost everything just few pages left
    I want know which template file is used by forum , topic started, replies created, favorite topic, subscribed topic ?
    I have fixed rest of all the pages by going into their respective template files and doing some addition in the code.
    The only thing left is these pages coming under forums. Am not really sure if they are coming under BP or bbpress

    Your help would be appreciated in telling me the template file used by these pages (forum , topic started, replies created, favorite topic, subscribed topic)



    @zanora will show you what bbpress templates are used.

    This works as an add-on to which is in itself useful when editing stuff…



    Thanks Alot Aces

    I just figured out things on Resort. Everything looks smoother.

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