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WordPress 2.9.2 + BuddyPress 1.2.1 – White Screen Of Death?

  • @tagnu



    I am trying to install BuddyPress 1.2.1 on my WordPress 2.9.2 installation.

    WP was working fine until I activated BuddyPress.

    I get a blank page right after BuddyPress activation.

    My errors log shows the following:

    WordPress database error Table 'db_name.wp_bp_groups_members' doesn't exist for query SELECT..
    WordPress database error Table 'db_name.wp_bp_notifications' doesn't exist for query SELECT ..
    WordPress database error Table 'db_name.wp_bp_xprofile_data' doesn't exist for query SELECT ...
    WordPress database error Table 'db_name.wp_bp_xprofile_fields' doesn't exist for query SELECT ...
    WordPress database error Table 'db_name.wp_bp_xprofile_fields' doesn't exist for query SELECT ...
    WordPress database error Table 'db_name.wp_bp_groups' doesn't exist for query SELECT id ...
    WordPress database error Table 'db_name.wp_bp_groups_members' doesn't exist for query .
    WordPress database error Table 'db_name.wp_bp_messages_recipients' doesn't exist for query ...
    WordPress database error Table 'db_name.wp_bp_notifications' doesn't exist for query SELECT ...

    I believe the activation process is unable to create the tables.

    Is there any solutions/workarounds?

    I was able to install WP 2.9.2 and BP 1.2.1 successfully on my local machine.

    Thank you.

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  • @versluis


    I wonder if it’s a conflict with another plugin. Here’s what I would do:

    Deactivate all other plugins, then re-activate BuddyPress with its default theme. See what happens. If that’s successful, activate your other plugins one by one to find the culprit.

    If you can’t login to your site anymore, rename the BuddyPress folder in /plugins/ to something else for now to deactivate it.

    Good luck!



    Hi versluis,

    Thank you for the reply. I couldn’t log on after activation, so I deleted the /buddypress/ directory.

    (Later I found out just renaming bp-loader.php was enough)

    I have all my plugins deactivated, but activating buddypress again displays the white screen.

    Any other ideas?

    But don’t you think this has something to do with the tables of BP not being created during the initial activation?

    Thank you again.



    Hi.. For what it is worth I had/am having the same trouble. I deleted BP files and have not bothered since. I never did get an answer that helped me with the problem…



    An addendum to my other post. I just installed BP on my local machine with no trouble. What could be going wrong with my hosting service I wonder?



    I too could install it in my local system.

    Did you try getting server logs from your hosting provider?

    I got mine after requesting it from the tech support.



    Hi… Good idea. I will ask tech for the log file and go from there. This is annoying to say the least.. Oh, I also had no problem installing BP on another WP site with the same ISP.. weird or what!!!

    Rod :)



    this may help a bit although it doesn’t give a clear answer to the problem apart from pointing the finger at an outdated plugin –>

    Then you may probably have to follow versluis’s advice above… that is to activate your other plugins one by one to find the culprit



    Hello again.. all plugins deactivated went to activate ? and the “white screen again” renamed bp-loader.php and I got the site back. I am at a loss on what to do next.

    Rod :)



    Did you read the error logs?



    ‘deactivating’ a plugin doesn’t always quite cut it. It’s worth completely removing plugins from the plugin folder (delete, move elsewhere) and then add them back in one by one to activate.



    Try changing the theme to Kubrick and see if you still get the white screen, then it might be a theme related issue.



    Thank you all. Thank you itoube for the link, it gave me more idea on de-activating plugins.


    If anyone has trouble wit the sql check the following:

    SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'active_plugins';

    Yes the problem was with a plugin – Postie

    I had kept this one enabled all the time. When I again re-checked with my local installation I found the issue.

    I apologize for being hasty :(

    Well, it works cool now. :)

    Steps followed:

    1. Disabled all plugins (inlcuding Postie)
    2. Installed Bbpress
    3. Applied bbpress theme
    4. Enabled (postie)

    Thank you all for your time..



    Okfalls, can u post your logs?



    Hi to all those people that watched at at times gave me feedback on my troubles getting BP to work on my site. The short answer… I had BP installed on my “localhost”. So what I finally ended up doing was to export my localhost SQL and then imported it to my server at Powweb. It worked… Now I am just tweaking my install and ironing out the way I would like the site to look.

    So to those that watched and answered my hiccups “thank you” I appreciate you taking the time to pass on your expertise.

    All the best,

    Rod :)



    Good to know WP is working for you.

    Best of luck with your site :)



    I’m having the same problem, the white screen of death.

    I disable all plugins changed the theme to default and still can’t run the plugin. I renamed to via the control panel to get wp back up and running.

    Help, I’d really like to get this plug in up and running.


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