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wordpress vs wordpress mu

  • @dopecoder


    i am starting a new social site using buddypress… the question is should i go with wordress or wordpress mu.

    i wont have blogs for users or even a single blog for that matter…so wordpress seems to be the choice, however i see most of the plugins only work with mu. i dont know much about the future directions of buddypress or its plugins so any sugestion will be very helpful.

    apologies if it has already been discussed

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  • @dopecoder


    any takes on this?



    This is my personal opinion, but If you’re building on top of an existing WordPress blog and theme, I would recommend WPMU so you can install BP on a secondary blog.

    This is so you can separate the community side from your main WP blog. It will make things much easier from a theme perspective and for future upgrades to BP.

    Plugins are a non-issue, unless you want to use the BP Group Wiki plugin or the BP Classifieds plugin.

    If you’re starting from scratch and you do not anticipate the need for user blogs, I recommend standard WordPress.



    the answer is certainly WordPress. If giving blogs to your users is not a must WordPress is the pnly answer.

    Why? Because MU adds tables for every user and you get a huge database at the end. You will need a VPS for MU at least.



    If you don’t need user blogs, don’t use wpmu.

    Wpmu was created only for that purpose.




    MU doesn’t add tables for every user. It only adds tables for another blog.



    @xevo Generally, I agree with you but there are reasons other than user blogs for using MU. It’s often practical to use blogs for specialty purpose (as we have on our site) while still not allowing user blogs. We have 4 indiv blogs with unique functions. It may be possible in a Single setup but the power of doing it within a blog is compelling.



    Do any of you have more detail about the differences in how BuddyPress works on WP vs WPMU? (And maybe differences in how BP will work with WP3.0 since that sounds like it will have WPMU-like functionality)? Thanks!



    the only difference is the blog tracking for BP and the blog creation in MU or “network” in WP3.0



    @Arturo Thanks! Blog tracking? Meaning how posts can show up in BP’s activity streams and on profiles etc? And is blog creation in MU = to “network” in WP3.0?

    First q: BP on WPMU — the BP member functionality is site-wide and not local to each individual blog?

    If so, q 2: would you say that BP on WPMU is much like BP on WP except that members can have their own blog with its own subdomain and other WPMU-specific features like optionally setting their own blog plugins etc?

    Q3: BP + WP + “community blogs” plugin (I think it is) is = to or is NOT = to BP on WPMU? I assume not?





    Please do not cross post. You’ve asked the same questions in this post. Someone will answer you. Please be patient. Also, for everyone’s information, as this is an all-volunteer support forum, do not bump a post until 24 hours have passed.

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