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Would the BuddyPress community join my development team?

  • @brettbuchanan


    My name is Brett Buchanan and I am an entrepreneur who just raised $500k in an angel investor funding round with commitments for multiples to follow. Our exec summary is broken down into two phases – the first is a content-driven social media marketing platform and the second is a ‘social network’ with a revenue model designed to turn the existing ‘winner-take-all’ paradigm on its head.

    We are seeking a team to begin working on phase two of our model come July (Aug. at the latest). We need highly motivated individuals who can think outside of the box and are cutting-edge in their skill sets (relative to HTML5, mobile, php, mySql, other standard disciplines, etc.). A project worksheet will be available within 30 days.

    The BuddyPress community is a natural place for us to start. And while I cannot divulge the finer points of our business model in this forum I can say to think of this project in the context of ‘socially responsible capitalism’ where all players in the economic chain, from site users to the CEO are justly rewarded.

    If you would like to begin a dialog with us please email me at;

    We are well-funded with an incredible management team and advisory board and would love to hear from some top-notch people.

    P.S. I was not sure that the forums were the best place to reach out to the BuddyPress community, but I’m like a bull in a china shop that way. Please let me know if there is a better channel of communication…

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