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WP 3.3.1 & BP 1.5.4, user activation link does not work

  • Ekine


    Maybe someone has a hint why the user registration activation link is not working.

    When a new user registers at my site (, he will receive an activation link, but when he clicks on the activation link, he is being redirected to the account activation page where he can insert the activation code. If you take the activation code from the activation link URL and put it in that empty field, it will not work.

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  • Can you share an example link from the emails?

    Same problem here,




    So are you guys going to address this issue? I have the same problem on a clean install of wordpress and buddypress with no additional plugins active and have tried several themes. My site is http://www.websitesthatkickass,com/patrick/



    You have not indicated whether you perform basic troubleshooting procedures like:
    – First way to address this is to check whether the same behavior applies when you change to bp-default theme.
    – To further isolate the issue, if changing to bp-default doesn’t work, is to deactivate all plugins except BuddyPress and see if issue is corrected.


    In short yes, this is my first buddypress setup so first thing I did was to test out registration
    This was both in the custom-community theme and the default theme. No other plugins, except bbpress which I disabled to test, still no go.

    I am on a timeline so I have reverted to 1.5.0 and the activation step worked in one go. Unfortunately I am having problems as site-wide forums arent available in that version but that would be another topic. If none of the other posters sites are still available for testing, Id be glad to set up a vanilla wp, and buddypress install and provide you with the login and password…

    Something in the code has definitely changed. I guess I could do a diff between 1.5.0 and 1.5.4… If someone finds the answer before I get the chance to do that, even better, let us know.



    Mark, I just downgraded to 1.5.0 and my activation links are still not copying the code into the activation bar.

    I’m back at 1.5.4 now.

    I would like this solved as well. It seems to be a problem I’m seeing pop up frequently.

    Is anyone else also running these plugins:
    Membership from WPMUDev
    Email Login
    Ultimate Facebook from WPMUDev
    Event Espresso



    @mercine, i have buddypress default theme and have de-activated all plugins except Suffusion BuddyPress Pack. i have the same problem as the guys above. (same wp and bp versions as above.) if i have understood correctly, in the email i received, the string

    contains the activation key at:


    but when i paste this in the Activation Code box, i stay on the same page and nothing happens.

    thanks, regards



    i found something interesting – my new member appeared in the member list, after several attempts to copy paste the activation key, which always kept me on the Activation page as though nothing had happened. so apparently it works, but you get strange behaviour when you do it – making you think it hasn’t worked. anyone else see this behaviour?



    I want to bump this because I think I’m very close to finally solving this for many of us, but it’s going to need someone who is better at reading PHP or understanding the BP Codex.

    My activation links work if I register from BuddyPress, but not if I register from WordPress. Is everyone else doing the same?

    Here is a link to the new thread in hopes to solve our problem.



    I think I solved it for the most part. Take a look at my solutions and see if it might help you:

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