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wp-signup.php infinite redirection loop, register page not recognized

  • @cybmeta


    I’m using WordPress 4.4.2 and BuddyPress 2.4.3.

    Register page has been set in BuddyPress configuration.

    When I click in the “Register” link in wp-loing.php, I end up in wp-signup.php with a infinite rediretion loop error. Additionally, if I go directly to (the page set for registration in BuddyPress) the content is empty.

    This happen without any other active plugin and with a WordPress core theme. Only if I deactivate BuddyPress, the registration works again, but obviously the registration form of WordPress, not the one from BuddyPress.

    If I don’t set a registration page in BuddyPress configuration, the infinite redirection loop in wp-singup.php still happens.

    The installation has been working for more than one year, it seems last BuddyPress update broke the registration proccess.

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  • @cybmeta


    The site is

    Manually going to wp-login.php?action=register shows the WordPress registration form and works correctly.



    It can be an issue of wordpress installation of multisite and that causing conflicts with the buddypress. Not sure though.



    It is not a multisite installation; I thought also about that because of I saw in the source code something related with multisite and wp-signup.php. But it is not a multisite installation.



    I’ve made some more tests.

    In the database, the bp-pages row seems correct and the “register” option is correctly set to the page ID for registration.

    If I do this in the header.php of the theme:

    var_dump( bp_get_signup_page() );

    I get the incorrect value `

    If I do this inside the function bp_get_signup_page() (I’ve tried to include the full code function but the system gives error submiting the post, so I’ve include only the modified lines of the function):

    var_dump( $page );
    return apply_filters( 'bp_get_signup_page', $page );

    I get the correct value

    If I remove the filter bp_get_signup_page inside bp_get_signup_page() , just to check if there is some filter altering the value:

    return $page;

    Then I get the correct value in the header.php of the theme, but if I go to, the page doesn’t shows the registration form.

    It seems that there is some bp_get_signup_page filter changing the value but the problem exists without any other active plugin and with a core theme, so it have to be a filter insdie BuddyPress itself. Anyway, with the correct value of bp_get_signup_page(), the registration page doesn’t work.



    Once more test.

    wp_registration_url() returns incorrectly.

    As soon I deactivate BuddyPress, it returns correctly.

    With no other active plugin and using a core theme, this just confirm that the problem is in BuddyPress.

    I’m really stuck with this issue.

    I said it is not a multisite installation, and it is not, is_multisite() returns false. Which is probably what is generating the infinite redirection. In wp-signup.php there are these lines:

    if ( !is_multisite() ) {
    	wp_redirect( wp_registration_url() );

    But because wp_registration_url() returns incorretly when BuddyPress is active, I get the infinte redirection loop.



    Please, don’t be as silly as me.

    If you find yourself having problems with BuddyPress, even with all plugins deactivated, remember to check if there is a bp-custom.php file in your plugins folder.



    Great cybmeta! removing bp-custom.php solve the problem!

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