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WPML.ORG / BP Multilingual Plugin Support

  • campesinos



    We congratulate you for the new WPML version 2. However, we would like to know if there is a possibility for a new version of Buddypress Multilingual Plugin higher than than version 1.0.0 to be run on BP 1.2.5 and newer.

    We the owners of multilingual sites who installed BP Multilingual Plugin are starting to worried about the future of our sites since months ago are waiting for a new announced version of this plugin.

    Let me remember we start our Multiligual BP sites due to the WPML support confidence, which at this moment is on risk due an extented or permanent lack of support on this BP Multilingual Plugin.

    We post this message on site prior this one, and it has been deleted.

    Sorry and best regards,

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  • Same problem here. Developed a huge buddypress project because of the announced solution. Now we are getting problems and questions why we were building on this system. Regards, Alex

    Not sure of the point in posting these comments on this support site really, think you really need to direct these to the authors site, if you’re post has been deleted inquire privately of them as to why



    I can’t believe there is no multilanguage plugin for buddypress this is 2010 almost 2011 everything is multilingual nowadays. GET IT DONE…YESTERDAY!!! Multilingual should be core on everything!



    @hackcafejapan: you make a great impression as a new member here on! Just spamming and shouting on 4 topics in a row. I think we all get your point now! You know what, I’ll start spending all my free time on creating something extremely complicated as a multilanguage solution for BuddyPress. Thanks for motivating me and many others by being so vocal and rude with your requirements. Please don’t think for any minute that you need to contribute anything else besides spamming and complaining.

    I’ll keep you updated about my progress!

    ps: I can’t write a single line of code so it might take a while.



    Hi, Thanks for your reply! I am happy you replied on the subject. As previous to my “spam” nobody said anything… Sometimes you need a good “kick”start. If I have to be the “bad guy/voice” so be it many people want/need this. The more people that voice this the better.

    Being rude and impolite on these forums will ultimately end up with regular contributors ignoring you, or in the worse case, being banned.

    As hnla said a month ago, you need to contact the plugin author directly.



    Dear Sirs:

    As my last comment on this behalf, I will point out the following. When I began to develop our social site we choose BP due to the special Open Source background and options WP had develop through these years, creating a marvelous OPEN SOURCE ad dons / plugins and community network.

    During the last years I received all kinds of support without asking, requiring or insist to me on donations or subscription to plans to grand support. Neither, requiring it to offer a future solution, upgrade or update.

    As you can see in their website, lot of user tried to contact this developer, always the same answer, no time, need more resources, get a support plan or worst deleting comments on their website. If open source is going to be handle this way, forcing to pay or “DONATE”, I will not participate or incentive such actions, neither to support what could be hidden commercial initiatives. I will and expect others like me to support by donate real developers who invest their time and bring real and finished solutions.

    Been responsible by making situations public that can benefits the Open Source community is not spamming and neither a reason to be banned. Instead and before to make such opinion you must know or identify your interests or on which side you are.


    Don’t paint all of us with the same brush, please.

    Andrea Rennick


    I think you need to realize that the developers of a *different* plugin giving you the brush off has absolutely *nothing* to do with BO development or BP developers.

    Put your energy into finding alternatives.

    And yes, sometimes projects need a little “kick start” in terms of funding. Some plugin ideas are *huge* and not as easy as non-coders think.



    Considering you posted the exact same rude comment on the wpml site, it’s no wonder you don’t get any support. Yelling at people has that effect. Also, you have to realize that people do have to put food on the table, so paid work usually gets done before any ‘pro-bono’ work.

    Whatever gave you the impression that open source equals free of charge? It doesn’t actually. It just happens to be like that for a lot of projects.

    This post is gold dust, to allow users planning to choose BuddyPress (like us), to re-consider.
    At worst, we can review the activity for a ‘Buddy Press alternative’ and re-think if there is a lot of others discussing the same. Which there is.

    Seeing current developers less than sympathetic and learning on the side of ‘take it or leave it’, we do enough, is very valuable.

    Whilst ranting is negative, it should show the impact bad software and upgrades has on a user, once they have chosen to adopt a solution (trusting it). For open source to work, it has to maintain it’s ‘hard won’ reputation. Surely… it may be rude to ‘demand’ things of a open source software, but only if that software is aiming to be a cut under ‘paid for options’.

    Without confidence, business users will go back to choosing the big names. With the old comment… “no one loses their job for choosing Microsoft”!

    Everyone appreciates the hard work by contributors and understand their need to earn. However the damage that can be done, is aligned with the benefits. Or more. Damaging the dedicated ones, who hope their knowledge, and efforts, will lead to work from big business.

    If plugin makers are not in for the long term, or stall, the host solution is only any good if others step in and such weaknesses are not accepted.

    Saying that, whilst the author appeared to be happy with it not being perfect, it has been said that ‘Transposh version 0.7.0’ works to make Buddy Press Multi language.

    It is the adopters risk, to go ahead if a Multi language Buddy Press is important. Which it is to most (many). But this post can help with that decision!

    Amir Helzer


    Hey folks,

    There’s a new version of BuddyPress Multilingual:

    It works with the current version of BuddyPress and WordPress, in single site and multi-site environments.

    While you’re testing it, check out the new activity-stream translation. There’s a video for it here:

    BuddyPress Multilingual 1.0.1

    Mark Ward


    I have wpml set up and all is working except I can’t seem to get the language selector to work in the admin area. It always stays on arabic…even though the default language is english.

    Any suggestions?

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