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  • @ewerto2015


    Hey. What do you think? What plug to register and login through facebook is the best?

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  • @djsteveb



    “is the best?” – that is going to be quite a subjective answer from whoever may answer it.

    The best one?! One that does not use facebook at all (IMHO) – privacy. dependency. more important than making it easy for that one person who might actually use it.

    In the few cases that I added anything facebook to my sites, I made sure they only loaded assets (like the like button) from local storage, not some iframed pulled from fbook, or some other privacy sacrificinf javascript or something.

    If you want to find what you think may be best, install a few from the wp-repo and see how they work, and how they work.. you may find the one that looks best with your theme is what you think the best is.

    I will never use a plugin that phones home to Ggl and Fbk for my site to function – it’s bad enough when gravatar slows down page loads – and privacy is not just a personal issue – but in some cases a country laws issue (look at (might have to paste the url into a service that will translate the German to your language)
    from the author of “2 Click Social Media Buttons ” – from what I gather some of the common WP things people are deploying are in complete violation of various Euro laws.
    (looking at your Google Fonts auto-embedded in WP, and Emoji third party calls, and many theme’s auto use of CDNs for things)

    and plugins like “Social Media Feather”

    are the kind of tradeoffs I might consider when a project requires some third party stuff.

    OF course I am no expert on any of this, just some random BP user. Your opinions of whats best may differ.



    We’ve worked with the Premium version of WP-FB-Autoconnect on a number of sites. It does the job.

    You could also take a look at the WordPress-Social-Login project on GitHub, which looks interesting.

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