I have tried these and the problem with them is that they incorporate the admin dashboard to create events. If only the admin is creating events that’s fine but if you have users who need to create events the setup is way too confusing for them. In addition you would have to give everyone of the users who wanted to create events contributor or higher access. These are just not really BuddyPress friendly they need to work just like the other functions like groups or forums.
Thanks Derek, you saved me valuable time with your feedback.
As pointed out elsewhere, it seems that there is something to be created as a google summer of code project. http://kunal-b.in/labs/index.php/gsoc-proposal/
Looking forward to these results.
I am too however it will be August 23 at least before we see anything from GSOC. The problem is many of us using BP Events are still forced to use 1.1.3 so depending on were WP and BP are this is going to be one heck of a tricky upgrade. I am still using MU 2.8.6 because that was the last version of MU to play nice with Events. i am not looking forward to upgrading from where i am at now because I just know something will be broken or what not.