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Desperately need help creating full width pages!

  • @morticia-addams



    I have recently installed the Buddypress plugin on my page at (accessed via the members menu on the sidebar), and have spent the past week or so trying to change the pages to full width with no success. I’m a total novice at this so please bear with me! I use my own theme (Dressed to Impress), not the BP default, and have run the BuddyPress template pack..the only thing now is I would like every Buddypress page to be full-width with no sidebar (forums, activity page etc), while not affecting my other pages. If someone could hep me with this I’d be so grateful – baby steps appreciated!!

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  • @mercime


    Morticia, unfortunately, the theme you’re using is a premium theme so we have no way to see the code unless we pay for it to help you. Check out this tutorial with how to impose HTML structure of your theme’s one-column page onto the BP template files transferred to your active WP theme’s folder.



    Thanks a lot for the reply. The template calls the sidebar, but every time I try to remove it, the whole page mucks up. This is my index.php for the activity page

    EDIT – I’ve deleted the activity/index.php code you posted. — Mercime



    We know the source code for the activity index.php already already. What we don’t know is the HTML structure of your full-width/one-column page.



    Ok, forgive me if I’m being stupid and posting the wrong thing again – I created a blank full width page and this is the source for it – is this what you need? I really know nothing about this kind of thing =/

    EDIT – Deleted source code of single column page online. – Mercime



    Morticia, what’s needed is the code within the full-wdith/one-column template file you have within active theme folder which should have something like “ at the top and “ at the bottom and code in between.



    Ok – trying again! Thanks for your patience!

    Template Name: Full width page

    * @package WordPress
    * @subpackage Dressed to impress
    get_header(); ?>

    $showslider = cs_getoption(‘theme_showslider’);
    if($showslider == 2) { ?>

    <?php if (have_posts()) : $postcount = 0;
    while (have_posts()) : the_post();
    $post_class = cs_getoption(‘index-style’) == 1 ? ‘preview-post-long’ : ‘preview-post’;
    <div class="page_fullwidth" id="post-“>

    <a href="” rel=”bookmark”>


    if (have_posts()) : $postcount = 0;
    while (have_posts()) : the_post();
    else : ?>




    Before we continue, make sure that you’ve upgraded BP Template Pack plugin to latest version, so that you won’t have to do this all over again. Download the BP template files transferred to your theme in server down to your computer hard drive.

    Starting with activity/index.php, replace top part:



    At the bottom part of activity/index.php, replace



    Save file and upload to folder following the structure of theme folder in server



    Hello, thanks again for the reply,

    I tried this with the activity index and got the same problem I’d had before – the background just vanishes – I’ve left this up for you to see at



    Looked at page source, there were errors when you posted the code – missing closing greater than symbol in first line and extra quotation mark in third line.
    `<div class="clearer"

    change above section to




    Thank you – I have corrected this and it all looks great – except no background still! Any ideas?



    Create a full-width page with short title and simple content and publish. Please post the URI to that page here.





    Thanks. There are 11 HTML markup validation errors on the page which included a missing closing div. I have revised the HTML replacement for the bottom portion of activity/index.php



    Thanks so much for that – it’s almost there now! The only problem appears to be that the footer has moved to the top of the page now



    Any ideas about the footer issue? Wish I knew enough about this stuff to stop bothering you but I so want to get these pages sorted! Thanks again for all your help!





    Wish I knew enough about this stuff

    If you’re going to run a WP/BP site it would benefit to learn the basics of HTML/CSS you don’t need to be a master but a grasp of the fundamentals will help you with basic issues. An excellent resource for beginners is HTMLdog



    @hnla Thank you! I’ll give that a read, if only there was a crash course to teach me everything I need to know in under five minutes! LOL

    @mercime that’s sorted that page out – I can’t thank you enough for all your help. At the risk of pushing my luck, I also wanted to change these pages to a full width option but am not even sure what php files they use, let alone what to change..I was hoping they would have similar index files in so I could apply that same code you sorted for me, in fact the forums page is the main one I wanted to change! ergghh!



    Groups works in slightly different fashion it’s index ‘home.php’ tests to see what parts it needs to display so if it was the sidebar you needed to remove to make fullwidth then you would remove sidebar for all group views. You could though wrap the sidebar in a conditional logic to not show the sidebar if forum view – something like:

    in : /wp-content/themes/your-theme/groups/single/home.php

    Not sure how well that will work for you as your site is locked down and we can’t visit those pages.



    @hnla, hi and thanks for the reply, sorry to be a pain with these page layouts! I did try adding that but I probably did it wrong I’m sure. Not sure what pages you need to see to access the code but I’ll paste whatever is needed here – I’m so desperate to get these pages up and running! The group and group forums pages are the ones I need to make full width with no sidebar – will paste the code to home.php below in the hope that helps!


    /* If nothing sticks, just load a group front template if one exists. */
    locate_template( array( ‘groups/single/front.php’ ), true );




    That is the home.php file for groups, if you simply don’t want a sidebar to feature on the single group screens then the easiest approach is simply delete the line:

    However I don’t know what rules are applied to #content, if it was margined from the right to make room for the sidebar or it has a fixed width sufficient to leave space for the sidebar then that will need to be adjusted for the groups pages otherwise all you will have is an empty space where the sidebar used to be. You may need to refer back to the previous help merciime gave you on how to do that, if it needs doing



    Thank you both for all your help – you’ve been fantastic x



    @mercime, I know this is a somewhat old thread but I would appreciate your advice on how to remove the sidebar and make the content area full width (for all the component directories: Activity, Forums, Groups, Members) from a markup/php standpoint for Buddypress 1.5. I am running Beta 3.

    Per @modemlooper plugin, I’ve been able to add fields to groups. So what I’ve asked you is the next step; that is, to make room for all the content.

    Thanks @modemlooper. I went hunting for an answer and there it was. Your plugin works like a charm!! :-)



    You should be able to go to the component page in the admin and choose the full width page template. there is a drop down on a pages admin in the right sidebar to choose page templates



    @modemlooper, thanks for replying. I saw I could do that right after I posted my question. I tried what you suggested for each of the component pages but it didn’t work. I created a new page and selected the appropriate template, and that worked. So then, I tried associating the Members component page with that newly created page. No go. Even though it mapped to the new page, the sidebar still shows up. Am I missing a step or do you think this could be a bug?

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