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1.6 timelines

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  • Ah, well; trac is prone to lying. I could move all the tickets in 1.6 into a future release milestone, and it would say 100% ;)

    The big thing holding up 1.6 — and a beta of 1.6 — is bbPress 2.1; specifically, the Group Forums integration stuff. Both bbPress 2.1 and BuddyPress 1.6 need to hit beta and be released at the same time for this to work out well.

    At the last dev chat, I asked John (BP + BBP lead dev) to put together a list of remaining tasks (in BuddyPress) for this area. Hopefully that will get done and put on our Trac or bedevel blog.



    Looks like 1.5.6 only has 1 ticket remaining open, and that too has a patch awaiting review. Do you expect to release this soon? Or does like 1.6, 1.5.6 also have a dependency on bbPress 2.1?

    BTW, just realized that you guys have closed no less 230 tickets (204 closed as fixed)!! Wow! The “lying” Trac says 1.6 is 91% complete. Smacking my lips in anticipation.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs


    We haven’t got any plans for a 1.5.6 right now



    Just for clarity: Do you mean you don’t have a timeline for release of 1.5.6 or that you don’t plan to release a 1.5.6 at all and jump straight to 1.6?



    @djpaul Are you there, buddy?



    @sooskriszta If i was a betting man, I’d put my money down on 1.5.6 being released to coincide with WordPress 3.4. I don’t think 1.6 will be quite ready by then and they will need a release to fix afew changes in WordPress.

    But, then again – i don’t bet. Which is probably a good thing, because if i did, i’d be dead broke :p



    Wow! That’s quite something.

    Here I thought that 1.6 release was set to coincide with bbPress 2.1, which has been “close to ready” for weeks now…

    Somehow I imagined that open BP tickets for 1.6 would simply be punted onto 1.7 when bbPress 2.1 is ready…

    If they match BP 1.5.6 with WP 3.4, that means we’ll have to wait at least 3 months for it. And 6-9 months for 1.6

    Ohh! The horror!

    Paul Wong-Gibbs


    BP 1.6 is close. bbPress 2.1 is close. What is remaining is a bit of work in both to integrate the two. They do not technically need to be released together, but they do need to *work* together, so we need to make sure they do, before releasing either.

    WP 3.4 will be out sometime in May (guessing). Currently we are not aware of any compatibility issues, though we have not spent a great deal of time testing that, yet.



    Thanks @djpaul for the clarification



    “If they match BP 1.5.6 with WP 3.4, that means we’ll have to wait at least 3 months for it. And 6-9 months for 1.6”

    Not necessarily. 3.4 is in beta which means it’s just clean up time and could be released at any moment (whenever their confident all the bugs are squashed). Both BuddyPress 1.6 and BBpress 2.1 is still in active development – think, first come (first in beta), first serve (first to come out) :)

    Their’s afew changes and depreciated code in 3.4 so they can’t wait too long for a 3.4 compatibility release.

    Plus, it’s not like they HAVE to wait months after a release for another one… i’d rather have deprecated notices squashed and then have a major release two days later than have to put up with annoying “you have old code on your site” notices everywhere for two days :) lol

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