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All blogs on the same main site?

  • gyonis



    Basically, when you create a new blog in BP, it creates a whole new site; with different navigation menu, theme, and everything. I don’t mind the theme and plugins issues, I can reinstall them on the new blog, ny problem is, the menu.

    I need the new blog to be part of the original website (and just have its own page withing the main website/blog). I don’t want users to have to go to a totaly different “sub-website” when they go to browse another blog on my website.

    In other words:

    1. I need the new blog to be just a page on the main site, not a new whole site (sub-site) by it’s own.

    2. If that is not possible, then how can I ‘unify’ the navigation menu on the new site (blog) and the main site (blog)?

    [by unify, I mean; when I click on the about page on the new blog, it goes to the ‘about’ page in the main site, when I click the ‘home’ link on the new blog, it goes to the main page on the site itself > -not-].

    Is that possible in BP?

    Btw, I use the latest versions of WPMU and PB.

    There’s no specific website now, I’m just asking for a project I’m working on (still working on the information architecture).

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  • gyonis


    So, no body knows if it can be done or not?

    Andrea Rennick


    Edit the them you;re using for the sub-blogs. Change the menus to pull in your main blog’s menus.

    just before the nav bar code put

    <?php switch_to_blog(1); ?>

    right after the navbar code put

    <?php restore_current_blog(); ?>

    then it will always show the pages from Blog #1.

    Brandon Allen


    All of this is certainly doable. Looks like andrea_r has the menus/links covered. andrea_r at one time had a plugin that allowed you to show posts from all blogs, but I think it worked in the sidebar. you might be able to adapt that, but to get all the blogs to show on one page, you’ll need to do some custom code.



    Thanks Andrea_r, I’ll try it and see how it goes. I’ll also try to experiment with WordPress 3.0 and some menu plugins and see what’s the best solution and share it with others in here.

    Thanks again.

    I have the exact same issue. Have you found any good solution for this gyonis?



    @lisalove – if you want to have the same main navigation throughout the site then use the switch_to_blog function that andrea_r above posted or copy the HTML of the main navigation in main blog and paste that in all the themes you uploaded for your members to use in their own blogs.

    @mercime – thanks for answering! I just don’t understand where I should paste/change the switch_to_blog function? Is it in the style.css, the header.php… I feel clueless… I’m a newbiw on this kund of things. Can you please advise?



    You will be adding the switch_to_blog function in the header.php of your theme/s for subblogs.
    Using bp-default theme’s sample Code here –
    If you are using different theme then you would have to add the 2nd code to your theme replacing the wp_list_pages or the wp_page_menu template tag in your theme’s header.php

    Very knid of you to support me like this, thanks. I have been able to locate and change the witch_to_blog function in the main domain (bp-default theme). How ever I’m not sure where to put in the code in other themes ( using TwentyTen), have tried again and again with the result error on lines. Will try more an hope to find the right place for it. Once again, thanks for advising.



    First of all, do not add switch_to_blog function on the bp-default theme which I now see you’re using on the main site. Let me clarify how to do this.
    – If you have BP activated in main site, or blog_id_1, the theme or child theme you use for the main blog must not have the switch_to_blog function in navigation at all.
    – You only use the switch_to_blog function in theme/s for the subblogs or subsites.if you want the main navigation of main site in your subblogs

    So if you are going to use the twentyten theme for your subblogs, then this is what you replace:
    then, copy/adjust the CSS from main site’s theme

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