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How To Activate Existing Members

  • Bingo Bongo


    Hey Guys –

    I’ve done some searching, but can only find posts from X years ago that suggest manually editing the DB.

    The situation with our site ( – is that it was first a WordPress site – then installing bbpress for forums, and now buddypress. So all our Members were registered before installing BuddyPress.

    I imagine this is not an uncommon situation, but I’m not sure.

    We have 100+ Members – but if I go to e.g. – only 15 show up.

    If not implemented already (maybe I missed it?) – a simple button in Tools, to Activate All Members, would be a great feature for these cases where Buddypress is not installed with zero Members first.

    I want our community to be able to just go to Members, and start adding friends – but at the moment, unless I’ve missed something, they can’t do that, only with the 15 that recently posted in the bbpress forums, or however that ‘recent activity’ thing works.

    Maybe I missed an obvious option somewhere? If so, please point me in the right direction 😉

    Many Thanks,
    (WP V 4.6.1, Avada Theme V 5.0.3)

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  • danbp



    wherever your members registered from (wp, bbp or bp), they are all in the same table: wp_users. To be counted on BP’s member directory, these members must have been loggedin at least once.

    Did you synchronized WP and BP members (see BP settings) ?
    Once done, go to Tools > BuddyPress and run all options one by one. Do also the same for Forums.

    Bingo Bongo


    Thanks Dan –

    Profile Sync is checked in Settings –

    Went through each checkbox in Tools > Buddypress one by one. All completed, didn’t notice any errors.

    Haven’t done the BBPress Tools yet – but I noticed something, so I think BBpress is irrelevant here.

    If I order the list Alphabetically on the members page ( – then all 129 Members show up, with pagination to page through them….

    At least it seems Buddypress is recognising all registered Users.

    Maybe I’m missing something simple again, or using the wrong terminology.

    But I can’t find a setting for that page / select drop-down, though, to select alphabetically by default, or to ‘display all registered users by default’.



    Deactivate, activate 2016 theme and give a try

    It seems that this plugin throws an error.

    You may also deactivate all plugins, but BP and search for an issue by reactivating them one by one.
    And if nothing found for plugins, you have to debug the theme.

    Bingo Bongo


    Okay – thanks Dan.

    Deactivated Smart Countdown FX, and tried with 2016 theme, all plugins deactivated except buddypress.

    That works, many, many thanks 😉

    Now for more fun 😉

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