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How to “like” or favorit a blog post from a blog ?

  • @rosyteddy


    This is the use case scenario

    An user A, who visits a wp-bp site from time to time, gets a link shared by an user B, via email. The link takes directly to a blog post. User A now wants to “favorit” this and/or “save” this for future use. However, since somewhat a moderate number of activities have already happened, the blog post ( notification of the blog post activity) is NO longer visible in the activity stream. At the same time there is NO “like” / “favorit” button in the blog post under the blog content, just as you find in Comment ( comment can be both way : from activity or from the post itself )

    Solution ?? Its 2018, and all social sites or social php scripts can do this. You mean we cannot do this in BP even after more than 10 years of dev ? Any consistent and future-prood plugin that will do this ??? Many thanks for posting a solution.

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  • @prashantvatsh



    Please check this plugin

    Buddypress have favorite functionality for activities. Posts are default from WordPress. Also post creation activities are there just need to enable options in BuddyPress settings.




    @prashantvatsh Many thanks. The plugin you mentioned does not add a favorit button in the activity stream in latest BP. My question was very simple :
    You can make comment to a blog post either from the activity stream OR from the blog post itself. Similarly, how can you Favorit a a blog post either from the activity stream OR from the blog post itself ? ( The favorit button is not shown under blog post, but comment box / button is shown.) Please let me know if I am not clear. Many thanks.



    A little more details to make understand this age old problem in BP :

    You read a blog post after hitting a link to the blog post from the activity stream. After reading the FULL blog post, you decide you like it / you would want to read it again.
    Now, as there are NO favorite / like button in the page of the blog post itself, you come back to the Activity page – by now there has been other activities like Comments, Photos, status etc etc and the activity stuff for the blog post has gone lost from view. What do you do ?
    Having another plugin for Favorit means you have to disable the core BP Favoriting which will mean you cannot favorit status messages etc from the activity stream.




    I think giving a favorite button on each blog post is not what comes under BuddyPress. It’s a default WordPress thing and when they will have this functionality certainly at that time devs check if it can be synced with BP Favorite. But the comment was always there on blog posts.

    Also, BuddyPress does allow marking favorite activities so one can easily favorite a blog post activity and then can see it in My favorites section.

    And for the blog post favorite, we can use a third party plugin for now.




    Buddypress is about social networking. For any social net, Favoriting or Liking is a core feature. Favoriting or liking any content, be it Notes or Blog, photo or status, whatever, should be done from Activity / Stream or the content itself. I think it is somewhere in Buddypress Tickets but was never done. Commenting was also NOT both ways at the beginning, later it was developed.

    ” one can easily favorite a blog post activity and then can see it in My favorites section.” – I wish one could easily. But as I said, “”You read a blog post after hitting a link to the blog post from the activity stream. After reading the FULL blog post, you decide you like it / you would want to read it again. Now, you come back to the Activity page – by now there has been other activities like Comments, Photos, status etc etc and the activity stuff for the blog post has gone lost from view. What do you do ?”” Its not easy at all.

    I close this as it seems there is no solution so far. But is worth noting BP is losing out to all other social scripts, mainly becoz of this 3 reasons : one is this, other two are dated status box and lack of any good media plugin.



    after 4 years no solution 🙂

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