Try GD star rating which also supports thumbs
Someone could build this sort of thing for the activity stream using the activity_meta table.
Thanks for that GD star rating plugin suggestion, I’ll be sure to try it out!
Andy, I’ve seen a lot of requests for a “like” button similar to Facebook for 1.2. Any chance this feature could be bundled with the new release?
Keep up the great work!!!
No new features are getting into 1.2.
what about
As Automattic wants to make money with PollDaddy, why not offer this as a “PollDaddy for BuddyPress Plugin” and Automattic charges some money for this Plugin ?
I guess many people will be happy to get this as a BP-Plugin and would be willing to pay money for this.
I’m going to try my hand at the ‘like’ idea, starting with activity and moving onto other areas of BP.
get em hempsworth ~ what would be interesting is a filter to sort by number of likes.
Good to hear. This is something we were thinking of looking at at some point in the future but given just how many things are on our to-do list, I suspect you’ll get something done far sooner and far better
Am awaiting for this feature and useful for blogs & comments & photos etc…
BuddyPress Like beta has now been released! Check it out…