There are still a lot of tickets on Trac for BP 1.3; I’m guessing a month or longer:
However, there will be an intermediary point release on the 1.2 branch – v1.2.5 – hopefully that will be released in the next week or so.
When will BuddyPress 1.3 be released?
These are the remaining tickets on BP 1.3:
My guestimate is another month and a bit. Don’t quote me on that though! (obviously I was wrong 8 months ago!) 
A good number of those tickets will be punted most likely
Do you think we will be at 1.3 by 1.4 time slot? I guess there is no use of trying to anticipate the next major update… there still are 60+ tickets in the trac, most without patches.
I like how ray says: ” I’m guessing a month or longer “
and he posted it over 9 months ago 😆
BP 1.3 *is* coming – it will not be another nine months. But we have hit some tricky bits, and the core development team has not had an infinite amount of time to volunteer to pushing BP 1.3 along. If you are a developer (or even a savvy user who can test patches or verify bugs), and if you have an interest in seeing 1.3 come along sooner rather than later, head over to and start sifting through this report in particular: The more contributions from the community, the faster things will move along (and the more love and friendship we well all have for each other, <img src="smileys/heart.gif" width="" height="" alt="<3" title=" kumbayah <img src="smileys/heart.gif" width="" height="" alt="<3" title=")!
I am not going to sit around a log fire singing kumbaya and testing patches!
Hmm… kumbaya & patches… sounds like Buddypress Scout Troop #1 is planning a campout? 
I’ll bring the marshmallows!
Cool we can all get our Scouts BP Patch Tester badges 
I have a sneaking suspicion that Buddypress is dying..
I have many problems using it for my community and seriously consider changing. BuddyPress development is super slow and the community seems very thin.
What are your experiences?
BuddyPress development moves as quickly as it can with an all-volunteer crew of developers and support specialists. If you’re concerned that things aren’t moving quickly enough, you should get involved.
There really is a huge imbalance between Users of this app and those actively trying to develop it, move it forward. As Boone says ‘get involved’ if more people got involved things may run a little more smoothly and faster, give up a little bit of time reporting bugs to trac, testing patches if you can and feeding back.
Think of it this way-
If it’s taking a really long time to develop, it must be blooming with very cool features.
Would you rather have an update with little to no additions/fixes, but takes a short amount of time, or an update with tons of additions/fixes, and have it take a little while longer.
Also, buddypress is *free*, so what are you complaining about?
that is true, buddypress is free same as most of plugins out there. and after being around wordpress for a while i truly believe that it should stop. Nobody should work for free. i believe that a decent price for a great plugin like Buddypress will not prevent people from using it. as well as many other great plugins out there that are free and disappear after one or two updated of wordpress because not enough support. then we have to spend crazy amount of time to look for a replacement for those plugins. (i am dealing with this everyday).
i personally appreciate you people giving your time to create such great things. and i would help in any way i can.
Since this got the bump, I’ll add:
I am not going to wait. Going to use the trac version in my live site. 
Thanks for all the hard work you guys put in! We’re looking to integrate buddypress into our own website, should we wait until 1.3, will there be any significant changes to it that would make upgrading a challenge? Is there a page somewhere where we can see the planned changes/features? Thanks!
Feast of Fun, check the trac ( it have all the information you needed.