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How Do I Edit & Add a Full-Width Page option on default BP theme?

  • schacherer



    I love this new buddypress system and really want to make it work with the DEFAULT BP theme – the only problem I have is that I would really love to have the option to display Full-Width pages on my site.

    I know I have to create a new page-full.php file or something – but after that I’m not sure exactly what to do… if anyone could share with me a step by step process I would really appreciate it!

    thanks in advance,


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  • schacherer


    Hey? does no-one know how to do this??? :(

    I didnt think it was THAT hard to do, just that I didn’t know how :p



    OK – I have figured out how to do this – dunno if this way was RIGHT, but it works so if you also would like to know how I did it – just ask!

    Anonymous User 1502623


    Hello. When you say full width do you mean fixed width? And how did you do it please?



    I mean… I figured out how to remove the right sidebar and create an option when I want to create a new page on my site to make it a full-width page without any sidebar – is this what you want to know about?

    Narada Das


    Hi – I would like to know how to make a page template like that please.



    Create a new file called page-full.php (or any other name you prefer). Then paste the following code in that file. The only differences between this and the “regular” page.php is that the call to the sidebar has been removed, and “div class=padder” has been changed to “div class=full-padder”.

    Template Name: Full-Width Page

    <div class="post" id="post-“>

    <?php the_content( __( '

    Read the rest of this page ?

    ‘, ‘buddypress’ ) ); ?>

    __( ‘

    Pages: ‘, ‘buddypress’ ), ‘after’ => ‘

    ‘, ‘next_or_number’ => ‘number’)); ?>
    <?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit this entry.', 'buddypress' ), '

    ‘, ‘

    ‘); ?>


    Then add this to your child-theme’s style.css file:

    `div#content .full-padder {margin:0;padding:19px;}`

    When you create a page in WordPress, you’ll see your new template is available in the “Page Attributes” Template dropdown.

    A one column template page has been added to the default theme files for 1.3.



    Thanks @hnla. Now that’s a good example.

    :) didn’t think to link to an example from SVN – I’ve the brain of a slug at times.



    @hnla, I’m not worthy as you are :-) Double checking one-column width in svn with @pcwriter‘s code above, only difference is php file name and template file name, so all’s well.

    Might be best if the pcwriter example was changed vis a vis the template and file name to match the upcoming bp-deafult, but perhaps it doesn’t really matter?

    Just spotted this class name diff as well in 1.3 it’s `




    Good spot. And, the current users should add the styling (lines 472-475) for the .one-column in their child theme’s style.css as well while waiting for 1.3.



    Don’t forget the new roles added in 1.3… although I’m not quite sure what “role” they play ;-)

    The ‘Role’ attribute was described and proposed for XHTML for machine extractable data, as used by WP it’s in the html5 guise I think, sadly under (X)HTML the attribute is undefined and not valid. perhaps 1.3 ought to change and follow the trend and use the plain HTML dtd

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