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iPhone app for BuddyPress

  • @simongoodchild


    I’m researching the need for an iPhone App (like the Facebook App) for BuddyPress but want to gauge interest.

    Is this something that users would be interested in?

    There would be a plug-in for the BuddyPress installation and a iPhone App for users (would work with any BuddyPress installation with the plug-in).

    Would an Android version also be of interested? Which would be preferred? Or both?

    Any other comments, suggestions, etc?


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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Would be awesome to at least have a nice iPhone ready theme available. I know someone ( @modemlooper?) was working on an iPhone theme recently. You might want to hook up with him to check his progress.



    Android native app….



    +1 Android!



    A facebook like iPhone app would be crazy. +1



    Absolutely. An iPhone app for buddypress would be very cool.



    We’re running buddypress as the engine behind our social network. Some of the users we want to reach don’t even own computers. Instead they use mobile devices exclusively. They can login to the network via a browser, but its really not that smooth and easy for them. Getting people to actually use our social network is hard enough, I don’t want to make it any harder for them.

    Some sort of app that they could download to their phone is not only something we’re interested in, but something that will be critical to our survival.





    how can let mobile can visit buddyPress site?..

    And hava a app on mobile to do sth on my BP web site. Thank you…..





    IMO, this would be an extremely successful plugin if made nicely. If your going to make one you might as well include droid users, they are growing in numbers very quickly.



    I think droid app use has exceeded iphone now.
    Wouldnt your app need to be specific to the buddypress install?
    There are so many plugin variations I cant see how you could satisfy them all.
    But yes, I’d love to see it.
    How is it doing?



    A facebook like Android app would be greaaaaaaaat… im asking myself why nobody allready coded one… ;-)





    I am building a website, and need to also develop a mobile app to submit to Apple and Android. A starting point would be good. I don’t think I can submit the buddypress mobile as an app.



    BuddyPress has no api so it would have to be web pages and if the app is only web pages it will get rejected. You will need to build in some feature that uses the device hardware.



    Such an app would be very nice indeed.



    How is this project going? Did you already create something like this? I would really appreciate both an iPhone and an android app. If not both than 1 please.



    I’m working on an iPhone and Android App and will be available at



    Would be awesome to at least have a nice iPhone ready theme available.

    BuddyBoss is an iPhone / Android compatible theme for BuddyPress.



    The more reason I would like an android app for buddypress site is in the cropping of photo when changing the profile avatar. For sometime now this has been giving me a serious headache seeing my website filled up with the default mystery avatars, I sort to find out while and the response I got from everyone was that they could not crop their images on mobile especially when using mini version of some mobile browsers like opera mini, uc browser mini and others which of course is good for minimizing data usage.Even with the normal mobile browser the experience is still very poor. It’s time the developers at buddypress take the issue of mobile version a serious issue. It would be okay if the cropping process in buddypress can automatically detect when on mobile and use the phone hardware to crop the photo before upload. It’s generally best to crop on phone hardware than on mobile browsers, beta still to auto resize and upload would be great. I pray someone can develop a plugin for this.

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