I’d like to see the ability to approve groups before they go live as well.
would very much like to see that, or be able to assign a permissions level for who can actually create a group.
eg., default permission on registering with site is subscriber. if person gets bumped up a level or two he/she is now able to create groups.
@bmunch Your suggestion (groups can be created only by users of a certain level) would be much easier to implement than true moderation of group creation. You’d just have to wrap some of the “create a group” elements in the UI in a `if ( current_user_can() )` check, and maybe add a few such checks at the top of some key group creation functions.
With real group moderation, a lot of admin overhead is required: a UI for admins to see pending/approved groups (Group Management doesn’t do that, but it could be a step in that direction, as BPGM has all the necessary hooks and filters); a notification system to let admins know when a group is pending; a notification system to let users know when their groups have been approved; the backend functions necessary to create and check a piece of group metadata saying whether the group has been approved. This could conceivably be accomplished with a plugin (though I can think of one or two places where additional filters would be required in BP’s core code), but it would take a lot of work. Maybe one of you is up for the job 
The approval of new groups would be a really desired feature. I am using both plugins listed above, but would like users to create their own groups with an admin approval process.