BuddyPress 1.5 user fullname save/show errors
Hi everyone! I’m currently testing BP 1.5 and found some issues, one is that when I look at a member’s profile, next To the avatar are supposed to be the display name and below the @username…
When a user registers and completes the field “full name” (the base name field) for example putting “Juanma Guerrero” in that field and “juanmaguerrero” in the username field, and completes the registration, after activating and looking to his profile page, you can see right next to the avatar “juanmaguerrero” as the full name and “ @juanmaguerrero” below.
When I go to the admin panel >> Users >> and edit “juanmaguerrero’s” user, I can set to show publicly the fullname “Juanma Guerrero”. Then I see in the profile page next to the avatar the “Juanma Guerrero” name and below the “ @juanmaguerrero“.
Now another issue! If logged in with this user I go to “edit profile” and do anything like hit the “save” button or try to change the fullname field content, an error shows telling that there was an error while saving the changes and once again we go to square one where both times the username is displayed right next to the avatar. And I can’t change this info…
Now checking my Database I see in “wp_users” -> juanmaguerrero I see that this fields and values… (among others):
`|| user_login || juanmaguerrero`
`|| user_nicename || juanmaguerrero`
`|| user_url || (empty)`
`|| display_name || (empty)`I hope this information is useful! Does someone encountered this issue? Can you help fix it? thanks a lot!
I found what’s triggering the Issue. I had changed the names of the profile fields from the admin menu (which should not break this anyway
). Changed the Profile Field Group “Base” and the default input “Name” for “Info” and “Full Name” respectively. That broke the saving data system.
Hope the core developers cant fix this, thanks!
I was not able to reproduce either issue. When new users sign up, their display name is correct. And data is correctly synced back and forth between display_name and the BP name field.
Have you changed the name of your Full Name field? What did you change it to?
oops, you answered my question before I asked it
Yes, that sounds like a bug. I have opened a Trac ticket, which you can follow for updates: https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3469
When’s the last time you svn upped your installation? Or are you using one of the BP 1.5 betas? I’ve been told that this issue has been identified and fixed since BP 1.5-beta-2: https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3469#comment:1
Hi! @boonebgorges thanks a lot for your help! I’m currently using bp tags_1.5-beta-2-4925 (downloaded the .zip file).
@boonebgorges I just added the changes shown on https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/4939 and it worked JUST FINE!!!! thanks a lot, man, really! Excuse my ignorance but what is the repo url of this “more-fixed-version” of bp? so that I can checkout this and test “up-to-date”
thanks again!
If you’ve got command-line access to your server, you can check out latest development version via Subversion. Create an empty directory /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/, and then
`svn co https://svn.buddypress.org/trunk`
The nice thing about this is that you can then upgrade to the latest development version at any time by going into that directory and typing
`svn up`It’s not recommended that you run the trunk version on a production server, though – only a development or test server.
Thanks! yey!
Whoa, Just updated to 1.5 current version and this issue started to happen again
I’ve checked and the file mentioned in https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/4939 is “updated”, some clues on where can the error be? Thanks!
I’m having this same issue as well, sort of. I upgraded my production site to 1.5, since all worked well with my test installation. Upon upgrade, all Full Name fields were replaced with the data from the usernames field. So, usernames are displayed in place of the Full Name in the member header as well as the profile section. Only after reading jorge’s issues did I attempt to change the field names.
What’s odd is that in the activity stream, new entries retain the Full Name while replies to entries display the username – even when a user is replying to their own activity. I’ve tried rolling back to 1.2.10 – just the buddypress plugin itself, not the whole database – but the problem persists. Any ideas devs? @boonebgorges @djpaul
Oh, and also, when logging back in after I’ve rolled back to 1.2.10, Full Names are restored as the default display name across the site.
@boonebgorges Is there any known fix for this or some page were we could search for a solution? thx!
Can somebody sum up the problem in a sentence or two? I’m confused by this thread.
@boonegorges yes, please forgive me. I’m using BP 1.5 (the “definitive” version) and the last version of WordPress. Here’s the thing:
After editing the profile fields of a user and hitting the “save” button, an error shows telling that there was an error while saving the changes and if the fullname of the user was changed, it shows the username insted of the previous one.
(i.e: I set my fullname to “Boone Gorges” and hit “save”. Then the fullname field shows the value of “boongorges”).
Now checking my Database I see in “wp_users” -> boongorges I see that this fields and values… (among others):
|| user_login || boongorges
|| user_nicename || boongorges
|| user_url || (empty)
|| display_name || (empty)This was fixed on https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/4939 but that worked on BP 1.5 beta 2 but now with the release of “Lombardi” it got back to the same problem.
Thanks for your help, very much
PS: my profile fields are changed to spanish names/labels. ie: “Full name” is “Nombre Completo” and so on… thanks
I can’t reproduce it on my installations. The changeset that you point to as having fixed the issue has not been rolled back, so there’s no obvious reason why it should have stopped working.
Just to be clear:
– I changed the name of profile field #1 to something other than ‘Name’
– I went to Edit Profile on the front end, made a change to the field, and saved
– Everything saved correctly. I got no errors, and the name is properly saved.I’m not sure that my problem is exactly the same as Juan’s, but obviously it’s very similar.
I upgraded an existing Buddypress 1.2.10 installation to 1.5. Upon doing so, ALL Full Names were suddenly replaced by the username field data, seemingly deleting full name data. Rather than deal with this problem, and a variety of broken plugins, I decided to disable all plugins and delete 1.5 and reinstall the previous version to see if I could avoid a total recovery from a back up.
After reinstalling 1.2.10, Full Names were only partially restored. I’m not sure exactly why some Full Names were not restored. Here is an example of the problem – http://www.arhistoryhub.com/members/knash/. Pretty bizarre. At no point did I receive an error or anything indication the 1.5 upgrade wizard did not complete successfully.
I’ll probably work on upgrading to 1.5 again over the next week or two, I’ll come back to this thread and update whether this same problem reoccurs.
> ALL Full Names were suddenly replaced by the username field data, seemingly deleting full name data
What’s your evidence for that? It would be *very* surprising if it were true. Probably the correct diagnosis is that some logic was causing the username to be displayed instead of the display name.
Do you have the Extended Profiles component enabled?
In my case the full name data was actually deleted cause the field in the DB was empty. Maybe it happened in some upgrade I did, maybe some file of my installation didn’t properly upgraded. Anyway if you tell me it works I can try to find the bug on my one and only personal installation
Thanks a lot, boone!!!
Obviously I don’t have ‘evidence’ since I reverted to 1.2.10, BUT the URL I provided is more than adequate proof that this problem occurred and continues to affect my installation. Extended profiles are enabled. Its not theme or plugin related, because the problem persists in default with everything but BP disabled. At the link, a username has replaced the full name field in the profile header and many other parts of the site. Only about 10% of profiles have still have this issue, but with my upgrade to 1.5 it affected all profiles.
I don’t expect a solution via forum reply, but obviously something went amiss during the database upgrade for both Juan and myself. Just thought I’d let the devs know, though I realize recreating this problem would be difficult until I know more.
> the URL I provided is more than adequate proof that this problem occurred
It’s evidence that a problem has occurred, but not that data has been deleted from your database. There is nothing in the BP 1.5 database upgrade routine that should change display names. Again, I’m guessing that the problem lies in the logic that determines what counts as the “display name”; we don’t just pull something out of a certain field in the database, but instead use a number of settings to determine which content should be shown in the ‘display name’ areas.
> obviously something went amiss during the database upgrade for both Juan and myself
My guess (and it’s only a guess, as I’m not able to reproduce) is that it’s arising not as a result of the database upgrade, but as a result of a particular combination of local parameters that we haven’t nailed down yet. For instance, are either of you using BP_ENABLE_USERNAME_COMPATIBILITY_MODE?
> At no point did I receive an error or anything indication the 1.5 upgrade wizard did not complete successfully.
Can you say more about this? In what sense did it not complete?
Surprisingly and bizarrely I was able to solve this. I went to the admin panel, to xprofile fields section and changed the names back to the original “Base” and “Name” labels. Then saved changes. I found that way it worked again normally, all info that I changed editing the user’s profile were saved ok. Then I changed the labels again in the admin panel, to “Información principal” and “Nombre completo” and all kept working fine as if that bizarre bug never happend.
Well, that’s all, thanks!
I was experiencing this problem, having changed “Name” to “First Name” in a 1.5 beta release.
I didn’t test profile editing until after upgrading to 1.5, but when I did First Name was displaying the username, and would not change when edited.
Following @jaunmaguerrero, I changed the field back to “Name”, then changed again to “First Name”, and things started working again.
@boonebgorges Not using BP_ENABLE_USERNAME_COMPATIBILITY_MODE. When I performed the upgrade, everything went smoothly. I think I had a typo that may have read otherwise.
BUT, I had a revelation. In an effort to test out BP Media – I had my host upgrade my VPS server to PHP 5.3.8 at about the same time I fiddled around with upgrading to BP 1.5. I now realized that upgrading PHP seems to have broken rich’s Block Activity Stream Types plugin. Perhaps it also caused some problems with my BP installation as well? Is that just correlation or could there be causation there? Thanks Boone.
@boonebgorges I know what configuration is causing this but I don’t know why.
You can recreate this easily by installing a BP version previous to 1.5 (I used 1.2.10).
Alter the base ‘Name’ field to something else. I used ‘Full Name’.
Upgrade to BP 1.5 and you’ll see all of your First and Last names deleted from your DB.
This leaves only the users ‘username’ showing on their profile, set to their ‘display publicly’ name.
If you try editing the name from the front end, as soon as you click save, it reverts back to showing the username.
If you change it in the backend, by re-adding the first and last names, they then show okay, but try changing the name from the front end again and the changes you just made in the back end get deleted and the username displays publicly again, replacing the First/ Last name.
Now to fix this, you have to rename the base ‘Name’ field from your current ‘Full Name’ field back to just ‘Name’.
You can then edit the field in the front end and backend successfully and your changes will save.
You are now free to rename the base ‘Name’ field back to anything you like – again in my case ‘Full Name’ and it will all work again no probs.
It’s as if BP needs clarification when the base ‘Name’ field is anything else but ‘Name’ after an upgrade to BP 1.5.
If you have it set to ‘Full Name’ etc then it won’t play until you have renamed it back to ‘Name’ before changing it again.
I hope that’s kind of clear. I know it’s long winded!
*** So to avoid this issue, make sure your base ‘Name’ field is labelled as just ‘Name’ before upgrading to BP 1.5.
After that, you can alter it again, but if it’s anything but ‘Name’ on an upgrade, you’ll lose all of your First/ Last name data!
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