Yes, I did read that, and I am on Bluehost. I installed ‘Mail From’, but there is still no confirmation e-mail when I try to sign up. I did notice that the one account I created did exist, there was just no e-mail confirming it. Also as a side note, when they put in their info and submit, the page doesn’t change. It stays on the page with their entered info, no confirmation that their submission went through
@ Frlane,
So did you ever get your email problem sorted out on Bluehost?
Well..the problem was solved when i installed the plugin, but why does that problem exists..especially with bluehost if it is supposed to be the bes option to host wordpress..right?
Bluehost might be the best option for WordPress (I use it myself), but it’s far from the best option for BuddyPress. It can work with BuddyPress, but not with any scale and you have to deal with little things like configuring the mail from plugin, or setting up the email address that BP uses. Either fix works for Bluehost.
Bluehost is a *recommended* host for single WP for casual users. That’s different than being “the best”. And they pay to be listed on the site.