I’m still new to BuddyPress, so this may not be the best approach, but here’s what I’ve done:
1. Copy bp-default > groups > index.php into your own child-theme (make sure you keep the same directory structure)
2. Open the newly copied groups > index.php that is located in your child-theme
3. Find: “
4. Edit it by adding is_super_admin() to the if expression so it’s “ This is to check to see if user is logged in AND is a super_admin. If true then display the “create group button” if false then don’t.
Gonna be a problem though potentially when 1.3 hits as all Rich’s plugins are marked as not being further updated so will need someone to look them over as Rich did create some really useful plugins and it would be a shame for them to fall by the wayside.
Agreed, hnla. There’s this other way to control group creation though haven’t tried it myself 
There’s a ticket on Trac that would make this a filter, and would mean that one line of code in your themes function.php could clear everything up (https://trac.buddypress.org/ticket/1150).
Oh yeah, it would add an option in the dashboard too.
@cnorris23 Thank you. Cool. Saw it in dashboard running BP trunk – WP 3.2 beta 1