I don’t think there is – others may have a way though.
The old bar is deprecated. Use an older version of BuddyPress if you want to use the old bar. Please note the 1.6 notes (no pun intended):
In the Highlights section (https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-1-6/#highlights):
Toolbar — complete integration with the WordPress Toolbar.
Also in the General section (https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-1-6/#general):
BuddyPress now uses the WordPress Toolbar. The BuddyBar has been deprecated. (#3596, #3661)
FYI, the WP bar is much better and you are able to customize it fully with the available hooks.
You can add this code to your /wp-content/bp-custom.php file (if you don’t already have one and this is your first time adding custom code, just create the file through your FTP client)
`// disable the WP Toolbar and revert back to the BuddyBar
add_filter( ‘bp_use_wp_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’ );`
bp-custom.php needs to go in your plugins directory, not in wp-content/
I created the bp-custom.php with this code, put it in wp-content and also tried it in plugins, but neither on brought back the previous admin bar. In the plugins folder did put the code (as text) in the header of the page but that’s it. Am i missing something else?
Also, i thought during the upgrade (in the wizard) on the toolbar line it said you can change your mind later if you don’t want the new WP toolbar. You can change you mind, but you can’t easily revert back? I was under the impression that if you click the check box to try out the new WP admin bar you would be able to easily disable it later.
Did you create the file and name it bp-custom.php and put it in the plugins directory? If you have not then do that and copy and paste the below code inside that file and make sure you save it. Here is the code:
// hacks and mods will go here
add_filter( ‘bp_use_wp_admin_bar’, ‘__return_true’ );
bmk0220 – Yeah, I found that the admin option to revert back to the BuddyBar doesn’t exist after upgrade. I will post a new ticket about this now.
Regarding bp-custom.php, I already mentioned this in the other thread, but I’ll mention it again for any other people reading. It’s supposed to exist in wp-content/plugins/.
Please view the codex article on what bp-custom.php is and how to create the file:
Edit: – Thanks shawn38 for posting!
I found the quick solution! I clicked Appearance > Theme Options in the WP dashboard, there was a little tip that talks about the new WP admin bar. So I added `define(‘BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR’, false);` to my wp-config.php file right above “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */” and it worked perfect!
Personally I was disappointed in the absence of a quick option to just go back to the BuddyBar, the new WP admin bar just didn’t appeal to me. Happy BuddyPressing! 
@r-a-y, thanks for clearing that up. It worked!
@shawn38, yes, that’s what i did, it’s works perfectly now. thanks.