Worked it out! For those who are interested in how to do this, you need to go to wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-templatetags.php and delete this code:
`if ( is_user_logged_in() )
$content .= ‘‘;`
Anytime you make changes to the core you will lose them next time you update buddypress.
You might try this rather than a core hack.
`function my_filter_activity_comment_reply_links( $content ) {
preg_replace( ‘()’, ”, $content );
return $content;
add_filter( ‘bp_activity_recurse_comments’, ‘my_filter_activity_comment_reply_links’ );`
I have not tested this, but, fingers crossed, it should work.
hi @cnorris23 ,
fingers did not help, function returns:
Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Unknown modifier ‘.’ in …… on line 2
You need to put this in your bp-custom.php
hi @gunju2221 ,
did you really checked it with bp-custom?
for me it returns same warning, not depending from where I put it.
you can try this: haven’t tested it…
replace the preg_replace in fns.
preg_replace( ‘##s’, ”, $content);
thanks Alan, this does not return warnings, but does not remove sub-replies too 
Try this:
`function my_filter_activity_comment_reply_links( $content ) {
preg_replace( ‘/()/g’, ”, $content);
return $content;
Also, it should be noted that this code is not restricted to your bp-custom.php file. It can also go in your theme’s functions.php file.
thanks @cnorris23 ,
but did not work for me again, don’t know, maybe I have some other function, which does not allow this one to work correctly. probably, will have to change core file and put it in some reminder.
I haven’t been testing these. I’ll try to test tonight and get you a working one. A core hack the last thing you want to do.