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Is this possible to do? (on a multisite)

  • @adam_wordpress


    So I am wondering is this possible on a multi site installation?

    –> Two buddypress instances running on seperate blogs…

    Why would I want this? One would be for a social experience for people to just come and chat and enjoy the company of others, while the other is for a game.

    So I wonder is this possible? Currently I have multi site with buddy press on one blog – can I have a second installation of buddypress on a SEPERATE blog?

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  • @mercime





    I am suppose to be looking for something called “networks” to create multiple networks with the plugin “WP Multi network” but I dont see this link any where under network admin….Ideas?

    for refrence: wp multi network

    What I have is network settings and network set up. But no “network” option



    This is a different plugin than the one that @mercime has mentioned in his response to your query. It may be that the plugin that you are using has not been updated for the new Site Admin vs. Network Admin interface. This change occurred on WP 3.1. You will note that the plugin that you are referencing hasn’t been updated for a while, and suggests compatibility up to 3.0, but not 3.1. This has a tendency to erase menu items, because that “Network” menu you are searching for no longer exists, and has been replaced by a Network Admin Dashboard.

    Try the mentioned above. You may have more luck.

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