== please create an account to test a couple things ==
@finallyanime Do provide a test username and password which you can delete later.
1. if you’re referring to blog posts, then you’d need to install a subscription plugin https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/subscribe2/ or via feedburner etc.
2. What’s wrong about the blogs section specifically? You need to have a multisite installation for that
== Doesn’t look like “create new topic or group” is possible ==
3. Did you see the link to create a group beside title of the Groups Directory page? Or go to http://mysite.com/groups/create directly ? Create a new topic for Group Forums or Sitewide Forums?
@1. Okay, thanks! I’ll try to see if that works later on today. I’m on an iPad right now…err actually i might be able to just search the plugin & install that way instead of manually uploading like i usually do. I’ll report back and letchu know how that works
P.S. I didn’t provide a username/pass test account, but i will if it doesn’t work.
@2. ohhhh, i didn’t know i needed multisite installation :p thanks for that 
@3. No i didn’t see a link, haven’t went to the “groups/create” URL, and i have group forums, and didn’t see “create new topic” though i shall check again.
@mercime Thank you so much for responding
At first no one responded, so i basically gave up on anyone responding :p Anyways, thanks a bunch, i’ll try to respond a bit later.
@mercime Ok…so i installed the plugin and it seems like im not getting any emails when i made a test post
– everything else got cleared up thanks…it’s just this stupid subscription thing. Here are my settings for the 2subscribe buddypress plugin: https://i.imgur.com/mu437.jpg
P.S. [EDIT: I just went to the options directly from the menu…it’s just the immediate link from the dashboard doesn’t work.] I think either the subscribe2 plugin or anti captcha plugin i installed is prohibiting me from entering settings to some features…”You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” i need the anti-captcha plugin in though
any help w/that at all too?