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Registration Not working/capturing – BuddyPress theme works, my theme doesn’t, any fixes

  • @wingers


    Hi all,

    It’s a well covered topic here, but my problem seems to be common, although a definite answer doesn’t appear easy to find.

    Registration issues, once submitted, I’m not going any further, the validation doesn’t activate, and the new user doesn’t capture. This is with my theme installed (Unite 2.0 by Parallelus (Andy Wilkerson)), however it does work on BuddyPress’s default theme. And if I install a basic theme like twenty10, I can get it to work no problems once I copy the required files across.

    So my thoughts are, that there is something function wise that is missing or broken in Unite 2.0 theme (which I have to use as the client requires this, and has spent money customizing), and is conflicting, or not being called identically. I have followed just about all steps I can think of, and can’t fix the final missing piece,

    Has anyone come across something like this? The functions.php file for unite is quite small, so I have pasted it below, as a starting point, and if you need any more info or files I can pass them on:

    My setup is as follows:

    Latest WordPress
    Latest BuddyPress
    BuddyPress Templates modified to work as expected on my theme or not modified and clean installed, not working

    #	Admin control panel setup
    # Default theme variables and information
    $themeInfo = get_theme_data(TEMPLATEPATH . '/style.css');
    $themeVersion = trim($themeInfo);
    $themeTitle= trim($themeInfo);
    $shortname = strtolower(str_replace(" ","",$themeTitle)) . "_";
    $postIndex = false; // special case variable for index paging bug
    // set as constants
    define('THEMENAME', $themeTitle);
    define('THEMEVERSION', $themeVersion);
    // shortcuts variables
    $cssPath = get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . "/";
    $themePath = get_bloginfo('template_url') . "/";
    $themeUrlArray = parse_url(get_bloginfo('template_url'));
    $themeLocalUrl = $themeUrlArray . "/";
    // setup info (category list, page list, etc)
    $allCategories = get_categories('hide_empty=0');
    $allPages = get_pages('hide_empty=0');
    $pageList = array();
    $categoryList = array();
    // create category and page list arrays
    foreach ($allPages as $thisPage) {
    $pageList[$thisPage->ID] = $thisPage->post_title;
    $pages_ids[] = $thisPage->ID;
    foreach ($allCategories as $thisCategory) {
    $categoryList[$thisCategory->cat_ID] = $thisCategory->cat_name;
    $cats_ids[] = $thisCategory->cat_ID;
    // Translation ready code
    // Make theme available for translation, Translations can be filed
    // in the "languages" directory. To change language just change
    // the value of $locale with laguage .mo file name..
    // for example: global $locale; $locale = 'pa_IN';
    load_theme_textdomain( THEMENAME, TEMPLATEPATH . '/languages' );
    // This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location.
    if (version_compare( get_bloginfo('version'), '3.0', '>=' )) {
    register_nav_menus( array(
    'primary' => __( 'Primary Navigation', $themeTitle ),
    ) );
    # Admin Menu Options
    // include options functions
    // Menu structure
    function this_theme_menu() {
    add_menu_page('Theme Options', THEMENAME, 10, 'theme-setup', 'loadOptionsPage', get_template_directory_uri().'/theme_admin/images/themePanelIcon.png');
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'General Settings', 'General Options', 10, 'theme-setup', 'loadOptionsPage');
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Home Page', 'Home Page', 10,  'homepage-options', 'loadOptionsPage');
    if ( version_compare( get_bloginfo('version'), '3.0', '<' ) ) {
    // Theme menu manager only used for WP versions earlier than 3.0
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Main Menu', 'Main Menu', 10, 'mainmenu-options', 'loadOptionsPage');
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Slideshow', 'Slideshow', 10, 'slideshow-options', 'loadOptionsPage');
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Sidebar', 'Sidebar', 10, 'sidebar-options', 'loadOptionsPage');
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Blog', 'Blog Pages', 10, 'blog-options', 'loadOptionsPage'); // 18-Aug ubhi -ps (added the blog link)
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Portfolio', 'Portfolio Pages', 10, 'portfolio-options', 'loadOptionsPage');
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Contact Page', 'Contact Page', 10, 'contact-options', 'loadOptionsPage');
    // Create menu
    // call and display the requested options page
    function loadOptionsPage() {
    global $themeTitle,$shortname,$pageList,$categoryList,$wp_deprecated_widgets_callbacks;
    include_once('theme_admin/includes/options_pages/'. $_GET .'.php');
    // Get the list in array array form of excludes
    $customOptionsPages = array('slideshow-options', 'mainmenu-options', 'blog-options', 'portfolio-options', 'sidebar-options');
    if ( !in_array($_GET, $customOptionsPages) ) {
    # Addon Functions and Content
    # Include Widgets
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  • @hnla


    Registration issues, once submitted, I’m not going any further, the validation doesn’t activate, and the new user doesn’t capture

    I think you may need to expand on this a little , once submitted? does it actually submit? what is meant by “validation doesn’t activate” and “new user doesn’t capture”

    This will possibly be hard to help with given it’s a third party theme that appears to be causing the issues and that it works as expected with default BP but understanding exactly what isn’t working will be important.

    What’s in that include file ‘addon-functions’ are there scripts in there possibly causing issues?




    Thanks for the response.

    Ok, sorry, to expand further. when you go to the page the form is there ready for input. You fill in the required fields and hit submit. And the page returns back to with the form again, instead of the desired. “Success, check your e-mail…”. This means that the insert qry to the SQL DB isn’t being fired, so its not even passing validation.

    I hope that makes better sense.



    Afraid not sure what to suggest with this, can’t personally recreate this type of issue on custom test installs. I assume that you have the BP theme files copied over and adjusted and that nothing necessary for BP has been inadvertently removed -although that’s doubtful.

    It’s going to be hard to help with a third party custom theme, without having all the pieces to hand as it were, hopefully one of the others will chip in with some thoughts or perhaps even have a better idea why the issue could happening.



    This is Traject’s theme functions.php. It’s not working on my part either and even with the crop image. sigh ***



    updated**: it’s Traject’s theme addon-functions.php. Maybe the author must be notified.

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