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Easy way to change colours?

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  • @mercime


    == i just want to know if buddypress has a easy way to change the colours ==

    You mean you want to create a child theme of bp-default theme and make it look like Motion theme? Change colors via child theme’s stylesheet.

    If that’s not what you meant .. the theme used in the BP Template Pack walkthrough is a WP theme which you can download That example was done some time ago, so if you find different divs in the new version of Motion theme, feel free to ask for assistance here.



    can i create a child theme in the bottom of my already created wordpress style.css?

    i want to know that before i follow the instruction of the child theme becose i already have a style.css and i don’t know where to start:

    If not, can i create two style.css my already created style.css and a new one for buddypress?



    You shouldn’t have two files named style.css however you could rename the old style.css to old.css and import it into the buddypress child of bp default theme.

    To create a child of bp-default theme, create a new directory in your themes subfolder ie: /wp-content/themes/shinshan/ and in it put a simple text file named style.css

    At the very top of style.css put something like the following:
    Theme Name: shinshan
    Theme URI:
    Description: shinshan theme for BuddyPress.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: shinshan
    Author URI:
    Template: bp-default
    Tags: buddypress, two-column, grey, dark
    You could copy and paste the css (without the Theme head section) from your old theme immediately below that header or use the following line:

    @import url( old.css );

    (presuming the above file is renamed and in the current folder). Then preview or activate your new bp-default child theme.

    I suspect that importing the css might cause more problems than it solves – but it depends on what you have in it….

    To find out what needs to be changed, webpages can be examined with firebug (download) in firefox, or developer tools in internet exlorer 8/9 and Chrome (press f12 on windows)…

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