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Fatal error: Out of memory when installing

  • Hi,

    I have this problem:

    Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 16252928) (tried to allocate 4864 bytes)

    My allotted memory limit is 32M. My host has advised me to create a php.ini in my root directory and add the parameter in the file and the value – does anyone know how to do that?

    i’ve found this only with BuddyPress, WPMU was working well – does BuddyPress require more memory?

    Many thanks in advance

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  • My memory limit has now been upgraded to 64MB.

    When activating the BuddyPress plugin, I get this error message within the plugins page:

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 16252928) (tried to allocate 77824 bytes) in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-classes.php on line 334

    Any ideas? I uploaded the plugin manually, does it function better installed automatically thru the plugin search area?

    My info:

    Which version of WordPress Mu are you running? 2.7.1

    From where (provide link) did you download WPMU?

    Which version of BuddyPress are you running? 1.0

    Did you open any of the BuddyPress files? No

    Did you alter any of the BuddyPress files? No

    Any clues? I was asked to open a new thread regarding my problem.

    thanks in advance,


    Create a file in WP-ADMIN called php.ini

    Paste in:




    Save and that should fix the Fatal error: Out of memory issue when activating the BuddyPress plugin.



    Really? In /wp-admin directory? Well whatever works.

    Hi Burt,

    I have been trying all day to install your bpcontents plugin and I continue to run into this memory issue. I copied the above code exactly into my php.ini file, in WP-ADMIN. Still no luck. Would you suggest putting the file somewhere else?





    WP_MU 2.8.1

    buddypress 1.0.3. (attempt)

    I’ve been running into this trying to install 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 and have not solved the problem. My 2.8.1. installation is clean and seems to be running fine. I had an older MU install with the first buddy beta release prior to the 2.8.1 upgrade.

    I’ve tried plugin updater and manual methods per instructions.

    I tried the wp-admin/php.ini recommendation.

    most recent error message: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 7680 bytes) in /var/www/manifold/wp-includes/kses.php(1032) : runtime-created function on line 1



    It honestly still sounds like you need to allocate more memory. Try increasing what’s in the php.ini to 128 mb



    I found the php.ini installation for my slicehost account at /etc/php5/apache/, and changed the 16M allocation to 48M to 96M, and still got a fatal memory error on plugin installation. I discovered this thread, and defined the wp_memory_limit to be 96M as well, and the plugins loaded. Now to sort through the themes issue since the default MU homepage is not a bp theme. From a new user standpoint, it seems like more attention needs to be directed towards the wp-config.php file when updating a buddypress or any install.

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