Thanks for letting us know.
UPD: BTW, WP3.3 is already available for autoupdating from admin area.
We’re running WordPress 3.3 here at, and also running the 1.5.2 pre-release. Will be working out kinks to get it packaged up asap.
Yeah, noticed our new buddybar/adminbar now called Toolbar 
Thank you for the update @boonebgorges. I just got the upgrade email from wordpress and wanted to check before applying it. Thank you all for the quick announcement of it’s compatibility and expected turn around for the maintenance build. Truly a group of professionals! Thanks to everyone at Buddypress!
Great job guys!!!!!, I noticed the toolbar too
, but one thing: if we don’t have sufficient permissions to access to the New Post Page and the Comments Moderation Page, would be better if we don’t see those links in the toolbar? 
Great, thanks for the heads up!
Hmmm… just did a clean install of WP 3.3 and Buddypress 1.5.1 and am getting blank pages in the Admin area. Anyone else?
Another thing worth noting, the default BP theme creates problems when viewing add new posts/pages/etc. pages.
This is probably because theme CSS is being loaded admin-side – submitted a bug –
Hey Boone,
I use (BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR) and am getting MASSIVE avatars in the toolbar when a person hasn’t uploaded an image and the avatar defaults to mystery man. (doesn’t seem to resize properly)
This happens in a not so big way with gravatars too.
Do I put a bug i, or are you guys aware of this?
Hi Ross, have you tried deleting BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR from your WP 3.3 install?
I’m experiencing what @Marcus is describing. My background color, image, and website width are coming through to the page edit screen. There is no where else I’ve found that this is carrying over to. Everything else so far is great. Running 3.3 and 1.5.2.
@rossagrant I’ve seen that in trunk, we have a ticket somewhere.
Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. I updated functions.php using the file given in but it hasn’t fixed the issue on page editing screens. I first tried pasting the code in manually, then I tried uploading the provided file found on the ticket. Am I missing something?
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ );
Ok, so I think I am still experiencing the CSS issue on page editing screens because I am developing a child theme of bp-default. I updated the functions.php file as provided on the ticket but am I supposed to alter my child theme functions.php file? I have no idea how that would go. Maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree? Please help! 
`if ( !function_exists( ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ ) ) :
function bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles() {
// Bump this when changes are made to bust cache
$version = ‘20111102’;
// Register main stylesheet
wp_register_style( ‘child-theme’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’, array(), $version );
// Enqueue main stylesheet
wp_enqueue_style( ‘child-theme’ );
add_action( ‘wp_print_styles’, ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ );
`function bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles() {
// Bump this when changes are made to bust cache
$version = ‘20111214’;
// Register our main stylesheet
wp_register_style( ‘mytheme-style’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’, array(), $version );
// Enqueue the main stylesheet
wp_enqueue_style( ‘mytheme-style’ );
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ );`
Will be updating BP codex re child themes for WP 3.3 and BP 1.5.2
Thanks @mercime that worked perfectly! I’m sure others have the same issue.
After updating to wp 3.3 and buddypress 1.5.2 my website looks this way:
olny the header is visible…
what can I do?
@DianaNemorensis you must have fixed this already. I see the whole page and all pages look normal in your site.
Yes, the issue was caused by a plugin… tiny mce! I disabled it and now it works.
Except that the central group forums doesn’t work anymore… instead of it I can see only a wp blank page:
the bp settings are all ok!
I need help regarding my New BuddyPress Installation. I’ve been trying to post a topic to address the same at Support forum.
Clicking to “post new topic” on support tab redirects me to community tab where all I can do is reading others’ posts.
Kindly help me know how can I request help regarding my BuddyPress site.
Thank you.